Editor's Note: This is the current version of this document, published April 17, 2006. The current version will always be available at this link, and other versions are available.
The RSS Advisory Board is an independent organization with three primary duties: publishing the RSS specification, guiding developers who create RSS applications and broadening the public understanding of RSS. The board operates under these rules:
- The board has up to 15 members.
- One member serves as the chair for a two-year term that begins on Feb. 1 of odd-numbered years. The current chair is Rogers Cadenhead.
- The chair is responsible for the maintenance of the board's web site, mailing lists and bookkeeping.
- All actions of the board (except the election of new members) take place on the RSS-Board mailing list, where posting is limited to members but messages can be read by the public.
- A second mailing list, RSS-Public, is an open forum for public comment on matters before the board.
- If an action is proposed by a member and seconded, a seven-day period begins for discussion on both mailing lists prior to a vote.
- If the action is not withdrawn by the proponent during that period, a seven-day period begins in which board members vote yes, no or abstain.
- An action requires a plurality to pass with three exceptions: The election of a chair, election of new board members and amendments to these rules require an absolute majority.
- Members who do not participate in two successive votes may be removed at the discretion of the chair.