In RSS Profile research, I analyzed how frequently RSS core elements and namespace elements appear in feeds.

Here's the compiled stats for item elements. Part one covered channel element usage.

The full report reveals that the most popular namespace element in RSS items is dc:creator from the Dublin Core namespace, which appeared in 42.7 percent of the feeds.

The second-most common is wfw:commentRss from the Well-Formed Web namespace, appearing in 34.3 percent. (This total includes wfw:commentRSS, a common miscapitalization of the element name.)

All core elements were found in at least 5 percent of the feeds surveyed with the exception of source, which appeared in 3.0 percent.

The following item elements were found in 1,933 RSS 2.0 feeds, which were chosen because they appear in OPML subscription lists published on the web. The quantity and percentage columns refer to how many feeds contained the element at least once. Parent-child relationships are indicated by hyphens ("-") in the element names. Namespace elements are indicated by colons (":").

Element Quantity Percentage
item-description 1865 96.48%
item-title 1845 95.45%
item-link 1833 94.83%
item-guid 1661 85.93%
item-pubDate 1616 83.60%
item-category 921 47.65%
item-comments 846 43.77%
item-dc:creator 826 42.73%
item-wfw:commentRss 662 34.25%
item-slash:comments 528 27.32%
item-content:encoded 252 13.04%
item-feedburner:origLink 223 11.54%
item-dc:date 205 10.61%
item-author 176 9.11%
item-dc:subject 138 7.14%
item-enclosure 110 5.69%
item-wfw:comment 103 5.33%
item-source 59 3.05%
item-trackback:ping 53 2.74%
item-body 35 1.81%
item-lj:security 30 1.55%
item-pingback:server 28 1.45%
item-pingback:target 28 1.45%
item-feedburner:awareness 27 1.40%
item-cc:license 22 1.14%
item-media:content 22 1.14%
item-media:credit 19 0.98%
item-media:text 19 0.98%
item-topix:comments 17 0.88%
item:atom-updated 15 0.78%
item-lj:mood 13 0.67%
item-lj:music 13 0.67%
item-mscom:contentType 13 0.67%
item-mscom:headlineImage 13 0.67%
item-mscom:simpleDate 13 0.67%
item-mscom:attribute 12 0.62%
item-mscom:headlineIcon 12 0.62%
item-itms:album 11 0.57%
item-itms:albumLink 11 0.57%
item-itms:albumPrice 11 0.57%
item-itms:artist 11 0.57%
item-itms:artistLink 11 0.57%
item-itms:coverArt 11 0.57%
item-itms:releasedate 11 0.57%
item-itms:rights 11 0.57%
item-pheedo:origLink 9 0.47%
item-itunes:author 8 0.41%
item:ent:cloud 7 0.36%
item-ent:cloud-ent:topic 7 0.36%
item-jf:modificationDate 7 0.36%
item-jf:replyCount 7 0.36%
item-dc:date.Taken 6 0.31%
item-itunes:explicit 6 0.31%
item-itunes:summary 6 0.31%
item-taxo:topics 6 0.31%
item-taxo:topics-rdf:Bag 6 0.31%
item-taxo:topics-rdf:bag-rdf:li 6 0.31%
item-atom:summary 5 0.26%
item-contentType 5 0.26%
item-creator 5 0.26%
item-geo:lat 5 0.26%
item-geo:long 5 0.26%
item-itunes:duration 5 0.26%
item-itunes:keywords 5 0.26%
item-itunes:subtitle 5 0.26%
item-georss:point 4 0.21%
item-includedComments:comment-collection 4 0.21%
item-itms:rank 4 0.21%
item-feedburner:origEnclosureLink 3 0.16%
item-itunes:block 3 0.16%
item-content:format 2 0.10%
item-itms:song 2 0.10%
item-itms:songLink 2 0.10%
item-subject 2 0.10%
item-author:name 1 0.05%
item:cf:itemRss 1 0.05%
item-dc:contributor 1 0.05%
item-dc:publisher 1 0.05%
item-dc:rights 1 0.05%
item-dcterms:isReferencedBy 1 0.05%
item-dcterms:modified 1 0.05%
item-dWBlogs:comments 1 0.05%
item-icbm:latitude 1 0.05%
item-icbm:longitude 1 0.05%
item-itms:featureArt 1 0.05%
item-live:type 1 0.05%
item-live:typeLabel 1 0.05%
item-media:category 1 0.05%
item-media:thumbnail 1 0.05%
item-media:title 1 0.05%
item-msn:type 1 0.05%
item-rb:guid 1 0.05%
item-rb:source 1 0.05%
item-rb:source_author 1 0.05%
item-rb:source_feed_url 1 0.05%
item-rb:source_published_date 1 0.05%
item-rb:source_url 1 0.05%
item-rb:via_link 1 0.05%
item-trackback:about 1 0.05%
item-wiki:diff 1 0.05%
item-wiki:history 1 0.05%
item-wiki:importance 1 0.05%
item-wiki:status 1 0.05%
item-wiki:username 1 0.05%
item-wiki:version 1 0.05%
item-wordzilla:id 1 0.05%

Thanks for reporting this bug, we've fixed it on our dev boxes and will push it live in our next push.
- Daniel Raffel, from the Pipes team

Can you be so kind to let me know how you did the research, especially how you got the data, and by what standard.
My email is jackrobingmail
thank you!

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