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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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  4.    <title> - The official website of the New Zealand Government</title>
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  7.    <language>en</language>
  9.    <item>
  10.  <title>Entering final stages of Ngāti Hāua settlement </title>
  11.  <link></link>
  12.  <description><![CDATA[The Crown and Ngāti Hāua are now entering the final stages of their settlement after agreeing on the terms at Ngāpuwaiwaha Marae in Taumarunui today, Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith says.&nbsp;
  13. "It is an honour to be able to sign a Deed of Settlement and deliver a Crown apology after eight years of negotiations.&nbsp;
  14. “This means we can now get legislation underway to put through the house at pace. Treaty Negotiations are a major priority for this Government.&nbsp;&nbsp;
  15. "This settlement includes an agreed historical account and redress for historical breaches of Te Tiriti o Waitangi that caused harm to Ngāti Hāua.&nbsp;
  16. “A key component of the Deed is Te Tātairango o Te Karauna – a collective agreement, between Ngāti Hāua and key Crown agencies to support, resource and empower the future wellbeing of the Iwi.”&nbsp;
  17. The redress package agreed on today includes:&nbsp;
  19. the return of 64 culturally significant sites including Ngā Huinga (Cherry Grove) where the Whanganui and Taringamotu Rivers meet.&nbsp;
  20. a $6-million cultural revitalisation fund
  21. $19 million of financial redress&nbsp;
  22. statutory pardons for two&nbsp;Ngāti Hāua ancestors who were tried under martial law and treated with exceptional harshness. One was confined for life and the other was sentenced to death.&nbsp;&nbsp;
  24. “While no settlement can fully compensate for the Crown’s injustices towards&nbsp;Ngāti Hāua, I sincerely hope&nbsp;this redress package will support Ngāti Hāua to realise their economic and cultural aspirations for&nbsp;generations to come,” says Mr Goldsmith.&nbsp;
  25. Ngāti Hāua is a tribe based in the Central North Island, centred in Taumarunui. They have a population of approximately 2,500 members.&nbsp;&nbsp;
  26. A copy of the Deed of Settlement is available online at: Te Tari Whakatau - Ngāti Hāua&nbsp;
  27. ]]></description>
  28.  <pubDate>Sat, 29 Mar 2025 14:20:51 +1300</pubDate>
  29.    <dc:creator></dc:creator>
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  31.    </item>
  32. <item>
  33.  <title>Employment Relations Authority members sought</title>
  34.  <link></link>
  35.  <description><![CDATA[Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden is seeking new members to fill multiple vacancies at the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) as several existing members have not been reappointed.
  36. The ERA is an independent body that helps resolve employment relationship problems and facilitates collective bargaining when issues arise.&nbsp;
  37. “ERA members have an important role to play in supporting both worker and employer certainty and ensuring employers and employees do right by each other. It is important the ERA attracts committed and experienced people who can arrive at sound and reasonable decisions on employment law matters,” says Ms van Velden.&nbsp;
  38. “There are five upcoming vacancies, and I am encouraging expressions of interest from candidates who understand the expectations, realities and demands of New Zealand’s various workplaces.
  39. “Much of my policy work programme is aimed at restoring certainty for all parties, for example by removing eligibility for remedies if the employee is at fault. I want to ensure that decisions made by the ERA inspire certainty in workplaces as well, which requires that the right people are appointed.
  40. “I note the experience and backgrounds of ERA members has been unbalanced. Currently, 76 per cent of ERA members have significant experience in the public sector, but only 48 percent in private business. I would like to see the make-up of ERA membership better reflect the proportions of public sector and private sector employment in New Zealand.
  41. “By having employment disputes resolved quickly we can ease the burden on New Zealand’s court system. It also means the parties involved will not need to waste as much time and money on trying to sort out work-related problems they may be experiencing.
  42. “This Government is committed to supporting thriving and productive workplaces. ERA decisions can have a material impact on the costs of being an employer and doing business and can impact workers’ confidence to enter or remain in the workforce,” says Ms van Velden.&nbsp;
  43. Applicants will ideally be experienced in employment law or business and be adept at getting to the core of a problem and finding fair and equitable solutions. They can be based in either Christchurch, Wellington or Auckland.
  44. Applications can be made on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website:&nbsp;Employment Relations Authority Member Job Details | MBIEPROD.
  45. The application process closes on 20 April 2025.&nbsp;
  46. ]]></description>
  47.  <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 16:26:52 +1300</pubDate>
  48.    <dc:creator></dc:creator>
  49.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  50.    </item>
  51. <item>
  52.  <title>Speech to NZ Planning Institute Conference</title>
  53.  <link></link>
  54.  <description><![CDATA[Introduction
  55. Thank you for inviting me to speak with you today about the new resource management system the Government is introducing, starting this year. I want to acknowledge Hon Rachel Brooking, opposition spokesperson for RMA Reform, as well as Simon Court, my Under-Secretary, who I will invite to speak after me.
  56. I would like to acknowledge the NZPI, David and Andrea, and the many planners here today, as key and influential players as the Government takes action to replace the Resource Management Act.
  57. You, more than most, will understand the frustration and headwinds that the RMA has caused for everyone involved in the system – from applicants just wanting to get things done, to councils trying to implement and administer the RMA, to planners such as yourselves, and other experts, who are trying to do their best within what is a fundamentally broken system.
  58. I am concerned that the social license of planning is at risk, with some seeing planners as stifling development rather than enabling it.
  59. I accept that you have been working and operating in an uncertain and broken system. A system that encourages too much consultation and too much regulation for fear of landing yourselves court.
  60. We are fixing the planning system. We are doing our part to improve the system, which means you have to do your part, too.
  61. You have to properly balance the protection of the environment with the necessity of development, accepting that things like houses, supermarkets, and quarries are not nice to haves: they are essentials for human life.
  62. We live in a free market economy, and not a planned one. Commerce and trade must happen, and it isn’t the job of the planning system to control or prevent those things.
  63. You all have a critical role to play in New Zealand’s growth journey. We are a country that has been living beyond our means for too long – with an economy our size, that is thirsty for growth, we cannot justify being as restrictive and fragmented as we have been.
  64. As a country, we have to start saying ‘yes’ a lot more, and ‘no’ a lot less. We have accepted our part we play in helping you do that, and I look forward to working with you on the part you need to play as well.
  65. I know the NZPI has thousands of members and a long proud history of providing good advice and advocacy and I look forward to working with you on the replacement for the RMA.
  66. As you know, earlier this week, Cabinet took decisions on a new resource management system. We’ve made some announcements including sharing the Expert Advisory Group report and recommendations, which I have heard has contributed to healthy discussion and debate at your yearly conference down here in Invercargill.
  67. The need for reform
  68. As you know more than most, the RMA is broken and is a handbrake on growth for the country and you can directly trace the onset of our housing affordability crisis to the introduction of the RMA.
  69. It’s also too hard to build renewable energy, it’s too hard to get a road or quarry consented, it’s too hard to get roads built, it’s too hard to do anything.
  70. That’s why it’s critical that over the next two years and beyond, we nail resource management reform.
  71. The Government is committed to reforming the resource management system to drive economic growth and increase productivity by making it easier to get things done in New Zealand.
  72. Our intention is to replace the Resource Management Act with two new acts – one to focus on land-use planning and the second to focus on the natural environment.
  73. The new system will provide a framework that makes it easier to plan and deliver infrastructure as well as protecting the environment. But before I share further detail, I’d like to cover the significant progress we have made already.
  74. As you will be aware, we have taken a phased approach to resource management reform.
  75. Our first phase of resource management reform was the repeal of the Natural and Built Environment Act and Spatial Planning Act in December 2023.
  76. The second phase was to deliver targeted changes to the RMA through two amendment bills, focused on relieving the most significant resource management issues in the short term, as well as fast-track and changes to the suite of national direction.
  77. In October 2024, the first RMA Amendment Bill, came into force. This sought to reduce the regulatory burden on resource consent applicants as well as supporting development in key sectors, including farming and other primary industries.
  78. In December the Fast-track Approvals Bill was enacted, and from February it has been open for referral and substantive applications.
  79. The second of the RMA bills is now before the Environment Select Committee – and is a precursor to full replacement of the Resource Management Act. This Bill will make important changes in the short term to make it quicker and simpler to consent renewable energy, boost housing supply, and reduce red tape. The Select Committee is due to report back in June on this Bill.
  80. Phase three
  81. The third and final phase of the resource management reform programme is the full replacement of the RMA.
  82. Last year, we established the Expert Advisory Group, ably led by Janette Campbell to develop a blueprint for replacing the resource management legislation. The Expert Advisory Group worked at pace, and I would like to congratulate Janette and the Group on the quality of the report and appreciate all their efforts in the later part of last year to deliver the Blueprint.
  83. At the commencement of the reform process, Cabinet set 10 principles for the Expert Advisory Group to consider in the development of the Blueprint. The EAG report provides a broadly workable basis for the new resource management system, and the report has guided Cabinet decision-making on the broad architecture.
  84. I say broadly workable – it is of course obvious to everyone in this room that with any planning system the devil is in the detail, and we do have more work to do.
  85. Today I want to take you through the ten principles Cabinet asked the EAG to ‘build out’, and how they are being carried forward into the next system.
  86. Narrow the scope of the system
  87. The first of these principles was to narrow the scope of the resource management system and the effects it controls. The RMA right now just does far too much.
  88. When you’re trying to manage for everything, often, you achieve nothing.
  89. The new system will have a narrower approach to effects management based on the economic concept of externalities. Effects that are borne solely by the party undertaking the activity will not be controlled, while financial or competitive matters will be excluded.
  90. For example, under the new system you will be able to change the interior or exterior of a building, which have no impact on neighbours, such as the size or configuration of apartments, the provision of balconies, as well as outdoor open spaces for a private dwelling.
  91. The new legislation will narrow the scope of system, with the enjoyment of property rights as the guiding principle.
  92. Now a lot of people are getting quite worked up about this. People often get obsessed about whether or not something is or is not a human right – and I must admit that a pet peeve of mine is the overuse of this label.
  93. But something that is actually contained in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights is that “no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property”.
  94. When people are stopped from doing what they want on their own property, for no good reason, then in my view: that is arbitrarily depriving them of their property.
  95. We have been very clear that the new system will protect property rights, so long as you are not impacting others. To be even clearer: I see protection of the environment as a fundamental feature of any regime built on these ideals.
  96. Respecting private property rights within the framework of a market economy, while also protecting the environment is exactly what we will do.
  97. Compared to the RMA, the new legislation will more clearly define the types of adverse effects that can be considered and raise the threshold for when those adverse effects must be managed.
  98. This will be a significant transformation of New Zealand’s resource management system and marks a shift from aprecautionary to a more permissive approach.
  99. Both Acts will include starting presumptions that a land use is enabled, unless there is a significant enough impact on either the ability of others to use their own land or on the natural environment. This will reduce the scope of effects being regulated and enable more activities to take place as of right.
  100. There will be a requirement for regulatory justification reports if departing from approaches to regulation standardised at the national level.
  101. Subject to further detailed design advice, the legislation will also include protection against regulatory takings. This will allow affected landowners to seek recourse where it is found that unjustified restrictions placed on them.
  102. We are also proposing a smaller number of consent categories that will make it simpler and more certain for applicants.
  103. This includes removing non-complying activities.
  104. 8-10% of all resource consent applications every year are for non-complying activities. The gateway test in the RMA, creates a barrier to development even when applicants do everything they can to mitigate effects.
  105. One point that I wanted to make today was in regards to the effects threshold, or the materiality of effects that is addressed by our resource management system. The RMA has led to a system that accounts for and address all effects, with only ‘de minimus’ effects discounted.
  106. The EAG recommended lifting the threshold to ‘minor’ or ‘more than minor’ adverse effects, meaning that land-use is enabled, unless there are minor or more than minor effects on either the ability of others to use their land (in the Planning Act) or on the natural environment in the NEA.
  107. The EAG point out that the RMA requires less than minor effects to be considered, including for who is involved in consenting processes i.e. who may be affected or whether a consent is publicly notified.
  108. Cabinet has agreed to ‘raise the threshold for the level of adverse effects on people and the environment that can be considered in setting rules and determining who is affected by a resource consent’.
  109. We liked where the EAG was going, but we want to take a look at this to make sure that we have the settings right, and that what we do will avoid as much as possible 30 years of litigation about what the proper definition of the thresholds are.
  110. This has a real impact on how people interact and use the resource management system, and how decisions are made, so we do need to do further work here and I look forward to feedback on where we land.
  111. Establish two Acts with clear and distinct purposes
  112. The second principle was to establish two Acts with clear and distinct purposes, one to manage environmental effects arising from activities and another to enable urban development and infrastructure.
  113. Cabinet has now recommitted to this, and can confirm that the new planning system will be made up of two new Acts.
  114. The first act – The Planning Act – will focus on planning and regulating the use, development and enjoyment of land.
  115. It will enable the urban and infrastructure development New Zealand needs and will align with the Government’s Going for Housing Growth plan and 30-year National Infrastructure Plan.
  116. The second act – The Natural Environment Act – will focus on the use, protection, and enhancement of the natural environment. This includes our land, air, freshwater, coastal and marine water, and other natural resources.
  117. Our natural resource management needs a clearer focus on what matters most in regulating the use, protection and enhancement of the environment.
  118. Cabinet has accepted the EAG’s recommendation for only one set of national direction under each act.
  119. National Direction under the Natural Environment Act will cover freshwater, indigenous biodiversity and coastal policy.
  120. National Direction under the new Planning Act will cover urban development, infrastructure – including renewable energy – and natural hazards.&nbsp;
  121. Strengthen the role of environmental limits
  122. The third principle was to strengthen and clarify the role of environmental limits and how they are to be developed.
  123. For environmental limits there will be a clearer legislative basis for setting them for our natural environment. This will provide more certainty around where development can and should be enabled, whilst protecting the environment.
  124. Like I mentioned earlier, things like houses, supermarkets, and quarries are essential to any modern country. They actually aren’t nice to haves – they are must haves. A regime of environmental limits ensures that everyone’s obligations are clear, and developers have understood safe harbours to operate within.
  125. While local variation will still be possible, designing the system around default pathways like this will provide greater investment certainty, and improve the timeliness of decision-making.
  126. National standards
  127. And that nicely brings me to the fourth principle, to provide for greater use of national standards to reduce the need for resource consents and to simplify council plans, so that standard-complying activity cannot be subjected to a consent requirement.
  128. Nationally set standards, including standardised land use zones, will provide significant system benefits and efficiencies. The new legislation will provide for greater standardisation and ensure that policy setting happens at the national level, while local decision is enabled for the things that matter.
  129. New Zealand does not need 1175 different types of zones. In Japan, which uses standardised planning, they have only 13 zones.
  130. Standardised zones will significantly reduce the cost of plan development borne by councils.
  131. Across New Zealand local government incurs costs of $90 million per year, developing consulting and implementing regional and district plans.
  132. Under the new system, council costs for developing their own zones, definitions, policies, objectives, rules and overlays will significantly reduce, as these would be set at the national level. They will focus on where the zones developed by central government will apply, and develop bespoke zones, if needed.
  133. An economic analysis of the EAG report estimated a halving in the overall costs of plan making and implementation, across the country. This could save an estimated $14.8 billion in council administrative and compliance costs, over a 30-year period.
  134. A standardised system will also provide much more consistency for users working across multiple local government borders, a benefit that should not be underestimated. Inconsistent rules cause frustration and added cost for resource consent applicants who have to redo otherwise identical proposals to match local plan requirements.
  135. In addition to cost savings, standardised zones will be more flexible and permissive than many of the zones applied by local councils. This will improve economic efficiency and provide more choice for businesses and consumers. I would expect, for example, this to help drive down the cost of building a house.
  136. We will be looking to international examples of standardised zones. While we hope to go somewhat further in terms of standardisation than some of the Australian states have done, they provide a useful cross reference for us. Victoria replaced 2,870 zones with 25 standardised zones which enable a wider range of land uses and development.
  137. Resource consents will still be needed under the new system, but with the new nationally standardized land use zones and more national standards, there will be much fewer resource consents required and more permitted activities.
  138. Compliance monitoring and enforcement
  139. The fifth principle was the agreement that the new system would see a shift from consenting before any works are undertaken, to strengthened compliance monitoring and enforcement after the activity. 
  140. We are acutely aware that if we truly want an enduring system that is enabling of development, we need to show Kiwis that this can exist at the same time as good environmental protection.
  141. All users of the system need to be aware that while we will be enabling them, we expect them to follow the rules. And if they don’t, there will be consequences.
  142. The new system will improve the consistency and strength of environmental monitoring and enforcement. This will ensure that whilst the new system will be more enabling, the rules for environmental protection will be clear and consistent across the country, and anyone seen to be flouting the rules will be more likely to have enforcement action taken against them.
  143. This work will involve consideration of an entity like the Environmental Protection Authority to perform compliance and enforcement functions, and environmental monitoring functions centrally, removing these functions from councils.
  144. This will be done in a separate legislative process and is not part of the two new Acts.
  145. This, combined with other system changes (ie, national standards and zones) would involve a reduction in the role of local government which if progressed, could have wider implications for the structure of local government in New Zealand. The Minister of Local Government and I are working through these issues now, and expect to have more to say later this year.
  146. Council plans
  147. Each Act will require one combined plan per region – including spatial planning – with plan chapters being developed by each local authority, combined for each region, then presented as a national e-plan as per Cabinet principles six and seven.
  148. This will result in a smaller number of plans overall, that will be simpler to use, and consistent across the country.
  149. Spatial planning done right will enable housing and business development in places where constraints can be avoided or appropriately managed, as well as support early protection of infrastructure corridors and strategic sites, lowering the cost of infrastructure.
  150. Cabinet has also agreed to establish a new planning tribunal for low-cost dispute resolution, as per the eight principle.
  151. Uphold Treaty of Waitangi settlements
  152. Critically, the ninth principle was to uphold Treaty settlements and the crowns obligations.
  153. In the last few days, some people have been mischaracterising the Government's position by saying there would be no treaty clause at all in the new planning system. This is untrue.
  154. As per our coalition agreements, there will not be a generic Treaty clause that says that the act must give effect to or take account of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. The Government’s intent is that there will be a descriptive clause instead, that will recognise the Treaty of Waitangi and the uniqueness of the settlements entered into by Iwi with the Crown.
  155. The problem with generic treaty principles clauses is they are open ended and amorphous, and they create uncertainty and legal risk for everybody. There is an opportunity through the development of more descriptive treaty clauses to really spell out everyone's specific roles in the new system.
  156. This may include refreshing provisions that provide for Māori participation in the RMA, making sure they are relevant in modern New Zealand and are achieving their underlying purpose.
  157. We will also work with post-settlement governance entities to ensure that historical Treaty settlements and other arrangements, including rights acknowledged under Takutai Moana legislation, are upheld.
  158. It is a bottom line for this government that we uphold and honour Treaty settlements that the Crown has entered into in good faith, and this includes in these reforms.
  159. Having outlined the above nine principles, I hope you can agree that principle ten has clearly been achieved, which was to provide faster, cheaper and less litigious processes within shorter, less complex and more accessible legislation.
  160. As I have said: the devil will be in the detail, and there is still water to go under the bridge. But with the EAG’s blueprint, I feel confident that we are going to get this done, achieving better outcomes for all New Zealanders.
  161. Changes to Phase 2 national direction programme
  162. Now those eagled-eyed viewers of government policy will remember the Government has an ambitious plan in Phase 2 of our reforms to update and modernize a series of National Direction to ensure New Zealanders experience gains in the short term from a more enabling system.
  163. Our previously announced national direction program included 21 instruments, which collectively would have substantial implementation requirements of local government.
  164. In light of the significance of the phase 3 reform, the Government has decided to relook at our Phase 2 national direction program and focus it to deliver on Government priorities while minimizing disruption to the resource management system.
  165. Today I am confirming that we will still be progressing most of what was previously announced.
  166. As promised, the planned freshwater package will continue, as well as changes to both national policy statements (known as NPSs) and national environmental standards (known as NESs).
  167. Specifically: for freshwater – the package will include amendments to the NPS-Freshwater Management, NES for freshwater, the stock exclusion regulations, drinking water proposals and enabling vegetable growing and water storage.
  168. In fact, all NES proposals will continue as planned. This includes new national standards on granny flats, pakakāinga, and amendments to existing standards on electricity transmission, telecoms, aquaculture, and commercial forestry.
  169. Targeted changes to selected national policy statements (NPSs) will also continue, and will have immediate effect to support better decision making on the ground.
  170. These include more enabling policies in the NPS Infrastructure, NPS-Renewable Electricity Generation, NPS-Electricity Transmission and the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement.
  171. Also as promised, we will also be progressing quarrying and mining consistency changes across NPS-Freshwater Management, NPS-Indigenous Biodiversity and NPS-Highly Productive Land.
  172. We will do a narrow change to the NPS-Highly Productive Land - to remove Land Use Capability (LUC) class 3 from the definition of highly productive land, to help support cities expand but still protect key soils under LUC 1 and 2.
  173. And finally a scaled back national direction on managing natural hazard risk to support councils managing significant risk from hazards.
  174. Some of you may be disappointed that we aren’t progressing some policies, for example changes to the effects management hierarchy for things like electricity and infrastructure development, as well as more substantial changes to things like the NPS-Indigenous Biodiversity, and some changes to the NPS-Urban Development.
  175. Last year I announced changes we intended to progress on the NPS-Urban Development. We are committed to progressing housing growth targets and strengthening density requirements. But if we made changes now to the NPS-UD, this would require councils undertaking substantive plan changes, which considering the new planning system will be up and running by 2027, forcing councils to undertake a costly and lengthy plan change now wasn’t really feasible.
  176. So as part of the consultation on national direction we will include a package on housing and urban development, focused on how our proposals will port into the new system.
  177. The new system provides opportunities to achieve greater urban outcomes, through standardized zones and spatial planning, so this is a little short-term pain for massive long-term gain.
  178. I expect to release the detail of these changes in the next 2 months, and have them in place by the end of the year.
  179. Conclusion
  180. We’re acutely conscious that the Government is moving fast and we’re making a lot of changes to resource management law.
  181. But we want to settle on a system that is enduring, so that we can get on with implementing it.
  182. The Government wants a rapid transition to the new system.
  183. Our intention is that both new acts are put in place together, along with prioritised sets of new national direction, as I outlined earlier.
  184. We anticipate turning on the new system at a fixed date, rather than the 10-year timeframe under the previous Government’s reforms. Local government entities are expected to be able to begin implementing the new system from 2027.
  185. We also recognize that in order to transition quickly to the new system, with minimal disruption, local government and others in the system will require implementation support, which we have started work on already.
  186. What we are doing is difficult and complicated, but it will create a more enabling framework, one that protects the environment and sets environmental bottom lines.
  187. As members of the planning community, you have a huge part to play in providing feedback and ideas on how the new system can work, along with supporting councils and others with implementation.
  188. We need a resource management system that will help drive economic growth and increase productivity by making it easier to get things done in New Zealand.
  189. I look forward to your feedback and to discussing your ideas, as we continue to create a better resource management system for everyone.
  190. Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. I will now hand over to my Under-Secretary, Simon Court, who is assisting me with these reforms.
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  197.  <title>Speech to NZ Planning Institute Conference 2025</title>
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  199.  <description><![CDATA[It’s great to be here today on what has been a momentous week for resource management reform.
  200. As you’ve heard, Minister Bishop and I have been working hard to reset resource management in New Zealand.
  201. Today I want to talk to you about the broader step change and what that is going to mean.
  202. Among the many problems the RMA has caused is a playing field of skewed incentives for decision makers that has led to a culture of risk aversion and restriction.
  203. As policy makers, we must expect people to follow the incentives they face. That is rational.
  204. This is why it is important our reforms get the incentives right, to minimise distortion and incentivise optimal outcomes.
  205. There are several elements of the reform that are particularly important in achieving this; in transforming this culture of planners first saying “no, but…” to one of “yes, and...” We must do away this culture of regulatory anxiety.
  206. Regulatory anxiety
  207. Good decisions rest on benefits outweighing costs, and on decision-makers facing the right incentives to adequately assess these costs and benefits in full.
  208. Yet, planners working under the RMA are trapped in an asymmetric system.
  209. The risks of saying yes—public backlash, political fallout, legal challenge and cost—are much more direct and salient to those making the decisions.&nbsp;
  210. The costs of excessive caution—housing shortages, infrastructure deficits, wasted economic opportunity, and infringements on people’s property rights—not so much.
  211. Many of these costs are spread across society and felt over decades, some just shovelled onto private property owners to cop. This system rewards planners for avoiding risk, not for enabling growth, and it enables the undermining of property rights in the process.
  212. The result? A culture of “no” and a bias toward excessive caution; caution that ties us down and squanders the great opportunity we have to cement our spot as the best country on the planet.
  213. We’re making several moves to drive change.
  214. Fixing the problem
  215. Descoping
  216. I have been beating the drum about the RMA’s absurdly broad scope for a while now, and we’ve talked about descoping as principle number one of the reform, so I will spare you the further noise beyond saying this: descoping the ‘effects’ the system manages will play a core role in liberating planners from the regulatory anxiety with respect to so many things currently managed.&nbsp;
  217. There will simply be less to do, and less to worry about.
  218. The right to plan
  219. The reforms will reinforce that districts and cities have the right to plan. Your city, your district, will have democratic accountability for choosing where to grow from standardised zones set at a national level, providing a high level of regulatory assurance to planners.
  220. By closing the door to anyone who doesn’t like their specific height to boundary ratio to agitate for some bespoke zoning rules, this will necessarily ease pressure facing planners who currently must defend these things.
  221. Communities will still get to have their say at the planning phase—and, in fact, they will be incentivised to do so—but we do intend for the ability for appeals to be greatly reduced which will go a long way toward reducing regulatory anxiety. This is an area we will firm up over the coming months.
  222. National standards for common activities
  223. Similarly, national standards for common activities will reduce anxiety that planners and decision makers currently have when it comes to forming up defensible consent conditions for what are relatively common and necessary activities.
  224. Under the current system, decision makers must assess a wide range of potential effects, which often drives disproportionality between the consent conditions and the effect they are trying to manage, for the sake of appeasing noisy NIMBYs who don’t like things like quarrying, and who may be motivated to appeal otherwise reasonable decisions.
  225. This often leads to a “ratcheting up” effect on consent conditions in an attempt by both applicants and decision makers to ward off pesky appeals.&nbsp;
  226. Codifying practice for common activities, like earthworks and working in a water course, into regular standards will liberate the anxiety planners face to set ever more stringent conditions and give development a mandate to certainly and sensibly occur, from Cape Reinga to Bluff.
  227. Environment
  228. The current system presumes that developers and infrastructure must avoid sensitive environments and that only by a torturous and often litigious process can an outcome which benefits the environment overall be arrived at.
  229. Instead of spending weeks and months and years and tens of millions of dollars arguing with any Tom, Dick or Harry in various hearings, wouldn’t it be better that experts direct their energy into win-wins? Biodiversity offsetting springs to mind as a particular area of opportunity to help deliver both better development and environmental results.
  230. Offsetting and compensation should be a starting point for conversations beginning with “yes, and”, because for someone like me who thinks an ideal date is an eco-adventure to see creatures like lizards, bats, and Freddie the frog, that could equally be a constructed wetland at an active or rehabilitated mine site, as much as it could be to Zealandia.&nbsp;
  231. Planning Tribunal
  232. While these anxiety-reducing steps we’re taking will go some way to restoring balance and proportionality in decisions, there is a need for additional tension in the system to offset the distortion towards regulatory overreach and too much “no” in planning and decision-making.
  233. This is a key focus of the Planning Tribunal.
  234. By providing an accountability mechanism against scope creep and unjustified regulation, the Planning Tribunal will provide the tension in the system necessary to ensure the system is delivering as intended.
  235. No longer will it be the easy way out to default into decision making that appeases salient interests and pressures at the expense of growth and progress.
  236. Compensation for takings
  237. Further tension will be introduced through compensation for regulatory takings to ensure decision makers are confronted with the costs of decisions to infringe on property rights.
  238. Morally, it is simply not fair to force people to privately cop the cost of decisions supposedly made in the public interest—if the public has an interest, the public should pay.
  239. Compensation for regulatory takings is akin to a congestion charge on regulation.&nbsp;
  240. Without a price on congestion, there is too much traffic. Without a price on protecting trees, or ‘outstanding’ or ‘highly productive’ land, there is a risk of too much regulation on people who want nothing to do with it.
  241. We pay people for their losses from compulsory acquisition under the Public Works Act, and there’s no reason the same principle should not apply for partial takings for the public good under resource management legislation.
  242. Moral case aside, this will lead to more careful consideration with respect to decisions that would restrict property rights, and ensure they occur only where there is a genuine net public good.
  243. Conclusion
  244. We are clear on the problems we intend to solve through the new planning system for people and the environment.
  245. We are clear this requires a culture change.
  246. We are clear that this culture change rests on a reset of the incentives for decision makers.
  247. This requires a fundamental shift in the values and behaviours of the planning workforce which must align with our nation’s ambitions for the new system.&nbsp;
  248. A culture change means planners and decision makers share the ambition of property owners to maximise enjoyment of their property, of developers to deliver affordable homes, and of the infrastructure guardians to provide efficient and safe infrastructure.
  249. To enhance overall performance, a culture change from “no, but” to ”yes, and” is a must-have, not a nice to have.
  250. The new system will be designed to enable this culture change, and to enforce it where old habits persist.
  251. I look forward to working with planning professionals on this necessary evolution.
  252. ]]></description>
  253.  <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 14:00:00 +1300</pubDate>
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  258.  <title>Improved hunting permit system on its way </title>
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  260.  <description><![CDATA[A new and improved hunting permit system will make it easier for New Zealanders to go hunting on public conservation land Minister for Hunting and Fishing James Meager says.
  261. “Longer permits, automatic reminders and better navigation are part of a significant upgrade that will make life easier for 34,000 hunters that hunt on open conservation land,” Minister Meager says.
  262. “The underlying technology of the current hunting permit system is outdated and in need of an update, and is being improved based on the direct feedback of hunters. This upgrade will support more hunters, both domestic and international, getting out and doing what they love.
  263. “This substantial upgrade to the permitting system will make it more reliable and easier to navigate on mobile devices, making it easier to obtain permits on the go. Hunting permits will now be valid for 12 months, an increase on the current four-month period. Hunters will also receive reminders 14 days before their permits are due to expire so they can easily obtain a new permit.&nbsp;
  264. “The upgraded system will also make selecting hunting areas easier. Instead of the 54 hunting areas that hunters currently choose from, the system will be simplified so hunters choose from eight regions, four in the North Island and four in the South Island/Stewart Island. All existing hunting areas within the broader region will automatically be included on the permit, and hunters can also select all hunting areas within New Zealand at the press of a single button.
  265. “These may be simple changes, but they reflect a government which is committed to making it easier for New Zealanders to go hunting and fishing on conservation land, and are willing to listen to the feedback of the hunting community to do so.”
  266. This new system will be launched by the Department in Conservation in May.
  267. ]]></description>
  268.  <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 13:45:32 +1300</pubDate>
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  273.  <title>New mobile dental clinic will reach thousands of children</title>
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  275.  <description><![CDATA[Heath Minister Simeon Brown has today launched a new mobile dental clinic in South Auckland, increasing access to dental care for the local community.
  276. “Ensuring all children have access to timely, quality healthcare is a priority for the Government.
  277. “Expanding dental services and offering early access to oral healthcare, close to home, is key to improving overall oral health.
  278. “About 50 per cent of children waiting for dental care in the Auckland region live in the Counties Manukau area.
  279. “This purpose-built, mobile clinic will provide dental assessments, treatment, and oral health education for up to 3,000 children each year.&nbsp;
  280. “By taking these services directly to local neighbourhoods and community events, we can address many of the barriers that prevent children from receiving appropriate oral healthcare in a timely manner.
  281. “Early access and education are key to preventing a number of dental issues and reducing the chance of children needing treatment under anaesthetic in hospital.
  282. “I know how important it is to set children up early for a healthy future, which is why initiatives that provide community care in a setting closer to home are so important.
  283. “I’m pleased for the thousands of children who will be able to benefit from this mobile dental clinic in the future, ensuring timely and quality access to oral healthcare for the South Auckland community,” Mr Brown says.&nbsp;
  284. ]]></description>
  285.  <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 12:20:51 +1300</pubDate>
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  290.  <title>New Zealand 3D maps are a game-changer</title>
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  292.  <description><![CDATA[Most of New Zealand has now been mapped in 3D, creating a rich dataset for planning economic growth, land management and modelling for risk, Land Information Minister Chris Penk and Associate Regional Development Minister Mark Patterson say.
  293. “New Zealand’s landscape is constantly evolving, and it’s crucial that we understand how,” Mr Penk says.
  294. “For the first time, this information is available as a single, comprehensive national dataset. With 80 percent of New Zealand now mapped, we can analyse most of the country at once, rather than taking a fragmented region-by-region approach. This has enormous value for decision-making, planning, and modelling.
  295. “LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data provides a baseline for tracking geological and geographical changes over time, from natural events such as erosion and shifting river paths to new manmade developments.
  296. “It’s an essential tool for councils to better manage natural hazards by modelling flood zones, identifying slip-prone land and creating hazard maps to help keep people safe. We can also quickly collect new data after natural disasters to assess the impact, which will support recovery efforts.”
  297. The PGF-LiDAR programme and the 10 regional councils who co-funded the project were supported by $14.6 million in grants from the former Provincial Growth Fund, administered by Kānoa - Regional Economic Development &amp; Investment Unit.
  298. “The 3D maps enable smarter planning and investment in regional forestry planting operations and greater agricultural productivity,” Mr Patterson says.
  299. “Councils are applying the data to ecosystem services such as runoff and nutrient retention, shade and ultraviolet protection, and landscape aesthetics.
  300. “Councils may also use the data for compliance monitoring such as identification of excessive earthworks and quarrying, tree removal, or building activity across the regions.”
  301. The data was captured by aircraft fitted with LiDAR technology, which uses pulsed light to measure the distance from the plane to the land below to build up a 3D picture of the country - accurate down to the nearest metre.
  302. A new partnership with Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui will contribute LiDAR data for the entire Whanganui River catchment, which will be available later this year.
  303. Note to editors:
  304. LINZ administered the LiDAR funding and makes the data available for free on the LINZ Data Service website.
  305. ]]></description>
  306.  <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 11:52:06 +1300</pubDate>
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  311.  <title>Innovation drives refreshed disability strategy </title>
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  313.  <description><![CDATA[New Zealand’s strategy to improve the lives and uphold the rights of disabled people will be refreshed using an innovative new approach, Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston has announced.
  314. “The current 10-year strategy ends in 2026 and has provided a valuable focus for disability work during the past decade,” Louise Upston says.&nbsp;
  315. “While progress has been made, there is clearly more to do.
  316. “We’re going to tackle the next refresh in a new way. In a New Zealand first, working groups drawn from the disabled community, industry and government agencies will develop actions in key focus areas. The draft strategy will then go to the wider disabled community for further review before being agreed.
  317. “The resulting document will endure for five years, focusing on key areas where differences can be made for disabled people including education, employment, health, housing and justice.
  318. “This is an exciting opportunity. The Ministry of Disabled People - Whaikaha is managing the refresh process, and has received almost 350 expressions of interest from disabled people keen to take part.
  319. “Recent data from the Stats NZ Household Disability Survey found disabled New Zealanders continue to face many barriers, for example in education, employment and housing.
  320. “We know 1 in 6 New Zealanders are disabled, yet three quarters of unemployed disabled people want to be working which means creating employment opportunities must be an important focus.&nbsp;
  321. “Disabled people, like non-disabled people, want to participate in their communities, to thrive and make decisions about their own lives.
  322. “There will be challenges ahead as the refresh proceeds, but equally there are also huge opportunities to make a positive difference,” Louise Upston says.
  323. ]]></description>
  324.  <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 11:00:07 +1300</pubDate>
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  329.  <title>Government addresses Wellington Water concerns</title>
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  331.  <description><![CDATA[The Government is accelerating Local Water Done Well for the Wellington region to provide greater transparency at Wellington Water and ensure it is delivering value for money for ratepayers, say Local Government Minister Simon Watts and Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Scott Simpson.
  332. “Over the last few months, I have had serious concerns around Wellington’s water services,” Mr Watts says.
  333. “Recent reports have shone a spotlight on high costs and unsound financial management at Wellington Water with clear evidence suggesting the ratepayers are not getting good value for money,” Mr Watts says.
  334. “I am not satisfied by the progress made to address these glaring problems and without clear and decisive action, Wellingtonians face a decade of hefty rate increases with little to show for it.”
  335. The Government is bringing forward Local Water Done Well for the Wellington region by imposing early economic regulation on Wellington Water. This means the Commerce Commission will begin its role as a monitor for the Wellington region’s water services sooner than other water services under Local Water Done Well.
  336. “Given the current issues, Wellingtonians shouldn’t have to wait for the full economic regulation regime to be in place to have greater visibility over how their money is spent on water services,” Mr Simpson says.
  337. “The Commission will impose foundational information disclosure requirements on Wellington Water. This will require it to report to the public and the Commission on key delivery performance and financial management measures.
  338. “While the precise disclosure requirements will be set by the Commission, we anticipate it will include indicators that provide a view of value for money, procurement practices, and plans to address the shortcomings outlined in the published reports.”
  339. Mr Watts says the action today to increase public accountability at Wellington Water is implemented under Local Water Done Well legislation the Coalition Government passed last year.
  340. “The purpose of economic regulation including information disclosures is to promote the long-term benefit of consumers of water services and to ensure that sufficient information is available to assess whether that is occurring.
  341. “The foundational information disclosure framework provided for under last year’s Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Act means we can ensure a more detailed picture sooner of how Wellington Water intends to address performance shortfalls in key areas.
  342. “Experience in other sectors shows information disclosure provides greater transparency and is expected to drive a shift in organisational behaviour. The action we are taking will help ensure steps are taken to reduce unnecessary future costs for Wellington ratepayers.
  343. “This is consistent with the Government’s Local Water Done Well objectives – financially sustainable water services with strong regulatory oversight, strict rules for water quality and ongoing investment. It is also consistent with our focus on tackling cost of living challenges for New Zealanders.”
  344. ]]></description>
  345.  <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 11:02:45 +1300</pubDate>
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  350.  <title> Wildlife Act fix will enable economic growth with animal protection</title>
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  352.  <description><![CDATA[Prompt improvements to the Wildlife Act will ensure infrastructure developments and important conservation work can continue supporting our growing economy while protecting our precious wildlife, Conservation Minister Tama Potaka says.
  353. The High Court recently decided it was unlawful for the Department of Conservation – Te Papa Atawhai to authorise the New Zealand Transport Agency – Waka Kotahi under section 53 of the Wildlife Act to harm protected wildlife species while building the Mt Messenger highway.
  354. “As permission was also granted under another section of the Act, the court’s decision doesn’t affect this highway’s ongoing construction. It will not affect Fast Track projects either,” Mr Potaka says.
  355. “However, the decision could delay other projects DOC has given permission for or are still coming through the pipeline under section 53 of the Act – such as building new solar and wind farms, plantation forests, and powerline maintenance that are essential for supporting our growing economy. It also affects other important conservation work, like pest control.
  356. "The Government intends to promptly change the law to enable these important activities to go ahead lawfully, including the building of houses and roads for example, as they have in the past with safeguards for wildlife. These amendments will provide certainty for existing projects,” Mr Potaka says.
  357. “While developers are absolutely expected to make the best possible effort to protect our precious wildlife when getting on with their mahi, they should have confidence they won’t be prosecuted if their projects incidentally kill protected wildlife despite having previous authorisation and complying with the conditions set.&nbsp;
  358. “It’s important Aotearoa New Zealand’s wildlife continues to be protected and that species can thrive as we support a strong and growing economy. The Government still expects responsible developers to seek permission for the activities they undertake – for example, seeking to relocate animals before doing any construction work – to protect populations and support the ongoing viability of species.”
  359. ]]></description>
  360.  <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 09:06:22 +1300</pubDate>
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  365.  <title>Reducing red tape to put patients first</title>
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  367.  <description><![CDATA[The Government is reviewing New Zealand’s health workforce legislation to ensure the focus is on putting patients first, Health Minister Simeon Brown says.
  368. Reviewing health workforce legislation will consider a number of key matters including:
  370. Prioritising patient voices in regulatory decisions.
  371. Reducing red tape to make healthcare more accessible.
  372. Making it easier to recognise overseas regulations.
  373. Driving efficiencies by streamlining regulatory decision making.
  375. “We are committed to ensuring all New Zealanders can access timely, quality healthcare,” Mr Brown says.
  376. “Making our health system more efficient and enabling frontline workers to get on with their jobs will allow it to become more responsive to patient needs.
  377. “New Zealand’s current health workforce regulations can be overly bureaucratic, and this is slowing down access to care, increasing costs, and making it harder for patients to get the services they need.
  378. “Our regulations can also make it harder to attract, train and retain healthcare workers. Whether it’s requiring nursing students to complete hundreds more clinical hours than those in Australia, complicated approval pathways for overseas qualified doctors to practice in NZ, or imposing rules that prioritise cultural requirements over clinical safety in scopes of practices, our healthcare system is being held back by outdated and unnecessary barriers.”
  379. “We also need to better recognise overseas qualifications to speed up access to healthcare for patients. As part of the National-ACT Coalition agreement, we are also considering the establishment of an Occupations Tribunal which would consider appeals about decisions relating to overseas qualifications.
  380. “Patients expect to receive care from qualified practitioners, with clinical safety as their top priority. Our proposals will also ensure that patients voices are heard in regulatory decision making, to ensure the needs of patients are considered when decisions are being made by regulatory bodies.
  381. “We are also seeking feedback on how regulatory decisions can be made across all 18 health workforce regulatory bodies to ensure greater consistency. A streamlined system means more frontline staff available to provide care across the country, delivering shorter wait times and better health outcomes for all New Zealanders.”
  382. Consultation has today opened on changes to the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act and the Government wants to hear from patients and our healthcare workers on how the regulatory system can better meet the needs of patients.
  383. New Zealanders can submit their views on the Putting Patients First: Modernising Health Workforce Regulation document at Consultation closes on 30&nbsp;April 2025.
  384. ]]></description>
  385.  <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 08:41:14 +1300</pubDate>
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  390.  <title>More reliable, resilient supply vessel sought for Chatham Islands</title>
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  392.  <description><![CDATA[The Government is seeking proposals from shipping operators to provide a new supply vessel for the Chatham Islands, Associate Transport Minister James Meager announced today.&nbsp;
  393. “The Government is committed to supporting Chatham Islanders,” Minister Meager says.
  394. “The Chatham Islands’ current supply vessel, the Southern Tiare, is a vital economic lifeline for the community by carrying supplies to the island and livestock back to the mainland.&nbsp;
  395. “However, at 39 years old, the vessel is older than I am, and unfortunately it is nearing the end of its life as a working vessel. It is frequently out of action for maintenance and repairs, causing significant hardship for the community. For example, recent crane failure on the Southern Tiare resulted in a fuel shortage on the islands, requiring rationing of petrol for local residents.”
  396. “Today, the Government has opened tenders to shipping operators who can provide a more reliable and resilient shipping service to replace the Southern Tiare.&nbsp;The new service will need the capability to transport fuel, livestock and general freight to and from Waitangi Port and Pitt Island. Crucially, it will need to provide a regular, reliable and resilient service.”&nbsp;
  397. “A Request for Proposals (RFP) published today on the Government Electronic Tender Service outlines our requirements in full detail.”
  398. “In addition to finding a replacement vessel, we need to determine what improvements to existing port infrastructure are needed to support a new service. This will need to be considered alongside proposals received through the RFP process.”&nbsp;&nbsp;
  399. “Last year, the Government sought information from suppliers who are potentially interested in providing shipping services. This gave us a solid understanding of the market’s capability to service the Chatham Islands’ unique requirements.”&nbsp;
  400. The release of the RFP is the next step in the process and moves us closer to securing a replacement vessel that will service the community for many years to come.”
  401. Go to&nbsp; for more information.
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  403.  <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:11:11 +1300</pubDate>
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  408.  <title>Speech to KangaNews Debt Capital Markets Forum</title>
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  410.  <description><![CDATA[Opening
  411. Good afternoon. I’m excited to be here at the KangaNews Debt Capital Markets Forum.
  412. It’s a pleasure to be here with all of you – investors, financial institutions, and wholesale market participants who play a vital role in unlocking New Zealand’s economic future.
  413. I’d like to thank ANZ for hosting this event and for inviting me to speak.
  414. Debt capital markets are fundamental to the success of the Government’s plan to go for growth.
  415. Capital is like water to a seed – it enables New Zealanders, businesses, government, and NGOs to action and grow their bright-ideas, ambitions, and aspirations.
  416. The deeper our capital markets get, the more opportunities our country will have to thrive.
  417. Today, I want to discuss how the Government is unlocking growth and overcoming funding and financing challenges in housing and infrastructure in a fiscally constrained environment.
  418. I will also be announcing actions Cabinet has recently agreed to that will reduce debt financing barriers for Community Housing Providers.
  419. Unlocking growth
  420. New Zealanders have said that inflation and the economy are in the top three issues facing the country.
  421. The only sustainable way to fix the cost-of-living crisis is to ensure wages grow faster than inflation.
  422. That means growing the economy through more high-paying jobs, increased productivity, greater innovation, and more investment.
  423. The best thing the Government can do to support this is:
  425. one ensuring systems, regulations, and laws are growth-enabling – like the Resource Management Act, and
  426. two getting interest rates lower.
  428. Now, the Government doesn’t set the Official Cash Rate (OCR) – that’s the Reserve Bank’s job – but we can help support lower interest rates through responsible fiscal management, getting the government’s books back in order, and investing in productivity-enhancing infrastructure.
  429. That’s what we have been doing, and since we came into Government the OCR has dropped 175 basis points.
  430. In Budget 2024, we found $5.9 billion on average in annual operating savings and revenue, and $3.1 billion in capital savings and revenue over the forecast period. We reprioritised savings to fund tax relief and cost pressures in Health, and to support other growth-enabling initiatives.
  431. For us, it's about ensuring every public dollar goes to its best use. Greater value for money means we can provide more and higher quality services that people need.
  432. Budget 2025 will be no different.
  433. Without swerving too far into the Minister of Finance’s lane – I can say that Budget 2025 will focus on four areas:
  435. Lifting economic growth through measures to tackle New Zealand’s long-term productivity challenges,
  436. Using a social investment approach to improve life outcomes for people with high needs,
  437. Keeping tight control of government spending, while funding high-priority commitments and cost pressures, and
  438. Developing a pipeline of long-term infrastructure investments.
  440. In terms of infrastructure, this Government has and will continue to invest a record amount. More than $68 billion in capital is forecast to be spent by central government on infrastructure over the next five years.
  441. For comparison from 2019 to 2023, $50.8 billion in capital was spent on infrastructure.
  442. Infrastructure Investment Summit
  443. However, we know achieving economic growth is not all about government. We can’t unlock New Zealand’s potential without the private sector.
  444. So, we are also focused on attracting long-term private capital, capacity, and capability into our economy.
  445. To do this, earlier this month, the Prime Minister and I hosted the New Zealand Infrastructure Investment Summit in Auckland, which was attended by over 100 world-leading institutional investors, private investment firms, and construction companies.
  446. It was a huge win for our country, and it was good to see some of you there.
  447. During the Summit, we reaffirmed New Zealand’s position as being open for business, and as a safe and strong country to invest in.
  448. Overall, we focused on three areas:
  450. First, New Zealand’s infrastructure vision and upcoming public infrastructure opportunities,
  451. Second, changes to policy, regulation, and legislation to make it easier to do business here, and
  452. Third, other investment opportunities in growth sectors and the Māori economy.
  454. I just want to briefly touch on the first area.
  455. It was great to get investable and developable opportunities in public infrastructure to market, including Christchurch Men’s Prison PPP and the Northland RoNS PPP.
  456. But as Minister for Infrastructure, I think showcasing our long-term infrastructure pipeline made the biggest impression.
  457. This is what will give the private sector confidence to stay here and invest in people and equipment.
  458. Firms just want to know: What’s next.
  459. For example, the Italian tunnelling company Ghella was preparing to leave New Zealand after completing the 16.2-kilometre Central Interceptor tunnel in Auckland. But following presentations on the pipeline and the positivity of the Summit, Ghella have decided to keep their workers, expertise, and tens of millions of dollars of plant, equipment, and associated services here.
  460. Similarly, Plenary, an infrastructure investment firm managing more than $100 billion in assets has also committed to opening an office in New Zealand and to bidding on at least five PPPs over the next five years due to the PPP pipeline.
  461. Many global firms showed an interest in New Zealand.
  462. When Guido Cacciaguerra of Webuild, a multinational construction and civil engineering firm, said “the Italians are coming back”, all I could think was – yes, that’s fantastic.
  463. These guys helped us construct tunnels for the Tongariro hydro scheme in the 1960s.
  464. It’s partnerships like these we need to help us close our infrastructure deficit, and we are committed to keep this momentum going.
  465. Overcoming funding and financing challenges in infrastructure and housing
  466. Now, let’s move onto overcoming funding and financing challenges in infrastructure and housing.
  467. Public infrastructure in New Zealand has historically been primarily funded by taxpayers or ratepayers.
  468. But our heavy reliance on this blunt approach is not serving us well and has led to perverse outcomes including congestion, run-down assets, and the unresponsive provision infrastructure – contributing to unaffordable housing.
  469. The scale of New Zealand’s infrastructure challenge means we cannot continue the status quo – we need to leverage private capital and alternative funding and financing tools.
  470. I want to outline several pieces of work that interact with debt capital markets, including:
  472. The establishment of the National Infrastructure Funding and Financing Ltd– or NIFFCo,
  473. Treasury’s new Funding and Financing Framework,
  474. The refresh of the Government’s PPP policies, and
  475. New funding and financing tools for infrastructure to support growth.
  477. Establishment of NIFFCo
  478. Let’s start with NIFFCo.
  479. On 1 December 2024, we established NIFFCo to carry out three key functions:
  481. Its first function is to act as the Crown’s ‘shopfront’ to facilitate private sector investment and interest in infrastructure – this includes receiving and evaluating any Market Led Proposals, or Unsolicited Bids.
  482. Its second function is to partner with agencies, and in some cases, local government, to provide expertise on projects involving complex procurement, alternative funding mechanisms and private finance – including PPPs and IFF Act transactions.
  483. Its third function is to administer central government infrastructure funds.
  485. When you decide to join us in transforming New Zealand’s infrastructure, you will likely work with NIFFCo.
  486. Overall, I expect NIFFCo will help unlock access to capital for infrastructure and give the private sector a clear and knowledgeable Government-side partner to work with on projects and transactions.
  487. So, if you want to put forward a project, are looking for an opportunity to invest in New Zealand infrastructure or want to partner with Government – NIFFCo is open for business.
  488. NIFFCo will also lift the government’s commercial capability and help us be a better client of infrastructure. It will do this by deploying expertise into agencies that are working on projects involving private finance and alternative funding mechanisms.
  489. This includes, but is not limited to, projects involving traditional loans, equity investments, PPPs, developer levies, beneficiary levies, concessions, or other value uplift mechanisms.
  490. Funding and Financing Framework
  491. Now, let’s talk about Treasury’s new Funding and Financing Framework.
  492. Last year, Treasury released this Framework to broaden the funding base for Crown investments, and to utilise private capital where efficient.
  493. It provides guidance to agencies that they should, in the first instance, seek user or beneficiary pays to fund new infrastructure projects rather than defaulting to taxpayer money.
  494. I expect proposals from sectors like transport, water, energy, housing, and adaptation to demonstrate how user or beneficiary pays can contribute towards funding.
  495. More utilisation of user- and beneficiary-pays will provide greater opportunities for the private sector, including debt capital markets, to participate in public investments.
  496. We want to use the government’s balance sheet more strategically and apply good commercial disciplines when deciding how to financially support a proposal – essentially providing “just enough support” to make proposals feasible.
  497. This will mean we can deliver more projects, and channel support to sectors where it is appropriate for the Crown to be the primary funder, like in health and education.
  498. PPP Framework and other guidance
  499. To match our more commercial Funding and Financing Framework – we also needed to modernise the Crown’s policies and contracts, particularly in the PPP space.
  500. After extensive engagement, in November last year, we released a Blueprint outlining how the government will approach future PPPs.
  501. There are several key elements in the refreshed Blueprint that will foster a more appealing market for all participants:
  503. A more practical approach to risk transfer,
  504. Guidance for agencies on bid cost recognition,
  505. Enhancing the Interactive Tender Process,
  506. Allowing reasonable price validation to occur during the procurement process,
  507. Improving the process for managing claims and dispute resolution, and
  508. Increasing the capability and resourcing of the Crown so that we can be a better client.
  510. Our approach is to be smart about private capital and use it in a way that unlocks investment, enhances incentives for on-time on-budget delivery, and brings more maturity to the design, build, and maintenance of projects.
  511. The new PPP Blueprint sits alongside new Strategic Leasing Guidance, and Guideline for Market Led Proposals.
  512. New infrastructure funding and financing tools to get more houses built
  513. Let’s move onto new infrastructure funding and financing tools to get more houses built.
  514. As Minister of Housing, I am committed to – well, more accurately obsessed with – fixing our housing crisis.
  515. We are not a small country by land mass, but our restrictive planning system, particularly restrictions on the supply of urban land, has created a scorching hot land and housing market driven by artificial scarcity.
  516. We are changing that by allowing our cities to grow up and out. But this won’t be enough on its own. We also need to enable the timely provision of enabling infrastructure.
  517. Put simply, you can’t have housing without water, transport, and community facilities.
  518. However, under current settings councils, infrastructure providers, and developers face significant challenges to fund and finance enabling infrastructure for housing.
  519. We want to move to a future state where funding and financing tools enable the responsive supply of infrastructure where it is commercially viable to build new houses.
  520. This will shift market expectations of future scarcity, bring down the cost of land for new housing, and improve incentives to develop land sooner instead of land banking.
  521. To achieve this future, our overarching approach is that growth pays for growth.
  522. Last month, I announced five changes to our infrastructure funding and financing toolkit to support urban growth.
  523. I won’t cover all of these. But the most relevant to you are changes to the Infrastructure Funding and Financing Act (IFF) Act.
  524. The IFF Act allows the creation of a Special Purpose Vehicle to raise finance for projects, where the cost is repaid through a levy charged to properties that benefit from a project over a period of about 20 to 30 years.
  525. We are making several remedial amendments to improve the effectiveness of the Act, particularly for developer-led projects, which will make the process simpler and cheaper.
  526. We are also broadening the Act to enable levies to be charged for major transport projects – a gamechanger in New Zealand for funding city-shaping projects.
  527. These changes will lead to the Act being more effective, efficient, and utilised more often.
  528. I expect, private capital will have far more opportunity to support public infrastructure projects.
  529. Reducing debt financing barriers for CHPs
  530. Now, I would like to move onto actions the Government is taking to reduce debt financing barriers for Community Housing Providers, or CHPs.
  531. As I noted earlier, we are fixing the housing crisis by getting the underlying market fundamentals right. This is the single best thing we can do to make housing more affordable.
  532. At the same time, I recognise that these changes will take some time and that there will always be New Zealanders who need housing support.
  533. This Government believes in social housing, and we believe the CHP sector and private capital have a greater role to play in this space.
  534. Currently, CHPs account for 16% of our social homes – or around 13,000 houses.
  535. My ambition for the social housing system is to create a level playing field between CHPs and Kāinga Ora.
  536. I’m obsessed with building houses across the housing continuum for people who need them. But I am agnostic as to whether those houses are delivered by CHPs or by the government.
  537. I call this competitive neutrality. In some areas and for some people, CHPs are the answer. In other areas, Kāinga Ora is the way to go.
  538. However, we don’t have competitive neutrality right now.
  539. As I am sure you are aware, Kāinga Ora can borrow at a small margin above the Crown’s cost of financing, while CHPs effectively get access to finance at commercial rates.
  540. Update on last year’s announcement
  541. In November last year, I outlined three actions we are taking to help CHPs access borrowing to deliver housing:
  542. The first was making $70 million of Operating Supplement available upfront, unlocking equity CHPs need to raise debt.
  543. The second was making changes to IRRS contracts that makes the revenue stream more attractive for financiers.
  544. And the third was to review the use of leasing to provide social housing.
  545. I’ll just give you a quick update on where those are at.
  546. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development are implementing updated criteria for providing Operating Supplement upfront to support delivery of the 1,500 CHP places committed through Budget 2024.
  547. The updated criteria will focus on the basics – strategic alignment, value for money, deliverability, and whether upfront funding is really needed to unlock financing. We are also removing unhelpful eligibility requirements and allowing larger CHPs and projects in urban areas to access upfront funding, where appropriate.
  548. On updates to the IRRS contracts, HUD are making the following changes that will be in place for the contracting of places from late May onwards:
  550. Additional compensation where the Termination for Convenience clause is exercised on Build to Lease projects,
  551. Limiting the ‘step-in’ period to six months, and
  552. Providing a Financier Direct Deed when requested on all Build to Own projects.
  554. These changes will go some way to reducing real and perceived risk to financiers, although I acknowledge that there is more work to do.
  555. On the use of leasing to provide social housing, HUD has moved to an ownership-agnostic approach.
  556. Leasing could be useful where CHPs want to leverage their local expertise in managing social housing, while partnering with developers who could leverage their larger balance sheets to access finance that a small CHP could not.
  557. CHP credit enhancement
  558. Last year, I also announced that the Government would explore a credit enhancement intervention for CHPs, so that they can access suitable debt.
  559. I am pleased to announce today that Cabinet has agreed to establish Crown lending facilities of up to $150 million for the Community Housing Funding Agency (CHFA) to cover:
  561. an interim lending facility to be provided in early April to support CHFA’s immediate financing needs, and
  562. a final liquidity facility.
  564. In addition to this, the Minister of Finance intends to offer a loan guarantee scheme to banks to support their CHP lending.
  565. Both of these interventions align with our market-led approach to fixing our housing crisis, and our transition to more efficient and effective Crown investment.
  566. The liquidity facility and loan guarantee scheme will provide critical support whilst we get the system right.
  567. Let’s start with CHFA –
  568. CHFA was launched by Community Finance in 2024 and aggregates the finance requirements for CHPs around New Zealand, unlocking lower cost finance at scale to support the delivery of social housing.
  569. The CHFA is largest lender to CHPs in New Zealand already indicating they are providing lending solutions highly valued by the sector.
  570. A Crown liquidity facility and credit rating will allow CHFA to lend to more CHPs on a much larger scale.
  571. This will lay the foundation for CHFA to borrow billions of dollars, supporting not just the delivery of social housing, but also CHPs’ broader affordable housing portfolios.
  572. Housing Australia has a similar model – the Affordable Housing Bond Aggregator (AHBA).
  573. Since its inception in 2018, Housing Australia has approved around $4.5 billion in AHBA loans to support the development of more than 18,800 social and affordable homes.
  574. The AHBA loans have helped the sector save an estimated $800 million in interest and fees.
  575. I want this for New Zealand too.
  576. Finally, on the loan guarantee scheme, the Minister of Finance and I have endorsed key design criteria as a starting point for Government’s engagement with banks.
  577. I don’t want to get into too much detail, I will leave that to officials –
  578. But, at a high-level, I expect that this scheme will encourage participation among banks and enable them to pass on meaningfully reduced interest rates and other lending accommodations to CHPs.
  579. Relatedly, last year, the Minister of Finance wrote to the Reserve Bank asking them to look further at the risk weights for lending to CHPs. The Bank intends to consult on potential changes in the middle of 2025. This process may also lead to a meaningful reduction in borrowing costs for CHPs.
  580. Overall, I am really excited about how these changes will support the CHP sector – we heard you, and we hope these changes enable you to grow and do more good work.
  581. Conclusion
  582. Delivering on this Government’s vision for growth and higher living standards will require a strong partnership between government, investors, and the private sector.
  583. Capital markets will play a pivotal role in financing New Zealand’s infrastructure future, and I encourage all of you to explore how your expertise and resources can contribute to this effort.
  584. We are committed to creating a stable, predictable, and investable infrastructure and housing environment – one that supports economic growth, enhances productivity, and improves the quality of life for New Zealanders.
  585. Together, through innovation and partnership, I am confident we can build a more prosperous New Zealand.
  586. I look forward to your insights and collaboration.
  587. Thank you.
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  594.  <title>Reducing debt financing barriers for Community Housing Providers</title>
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  596.  <description><![CDATA[New Crown lending facilities and a loan guarantee scheme will support the growth of the Community Housing Provider (CHP) sector and put CHPs on a more level playing field with Kāinga Ora, Housing Minister Chris Bishop says.
  597. “This Government believes in social housing. We are working hard to deliver better housing to those who need support, including by assisting the CHP sector to expand and grow.
  598. “Currently, CHPs account for 16 percent of our social homes – around 13,000 houses. The government has funded an additional 1,500 social houses in Budget 2024, 1,000 of which are to be delivered by CHPs from June this year.
  599. “Our ambition for the social housing system is for a level playing field between CHPs and Kāinga Ora. The underlying ownership of a house – whether public or private – should be irrelevant. What matters is the provision of warm, dry homes to those who need them, along with social support if required.
  600. “We call this competitive neutrality. In some areas and for some people, CHPs are the answer. In other areas, Kāinga Ora will be the way to go.
  601. “While KO's borrowing is done through the Crown, CHPs currently access debt from the private market at higher rates. We have further work to do to better align KO and CHP access to, and costs of, finance.
  602. “The Government is moving to level the playing field between Kāinga Ora and CHPs by establishing Crown lending facilities of up to $150 million for the Community Housing Funding Agency (CHFA). CHFA was launched by Community Finance in 2024 and pools financing requirements for CHPs, unlocking lower cost finance at scale to support the delivery of CHP housing.
  603. “The Government is working closely with CHFA and will provide them an interim lending facility in early April to support their immediate financing needs, with the final liquidity facility up and running later this year.
  604. “This will lay the foundation for CHFA to borrow hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, supporting not just the delivery of social housing, but also CHPs’ broader affordable housing portfolios.
  605. “We are also exploring the appetite of banks to participate in a loan guarantee scheme for CHPs, aligned to the principles of previous initiatives like the Business Finance Guarantee Scheme, and the North Island Weather Events Loan Guarantee Scheme.
  606. “A loan guarantee scheme is where the Government takes on some proportion of the loan’s default risk, meaning lenders won’t need to hold as much capital to cover the debt and can use the capital elsewhere. This will likely enable lenders to pass on reduced interest rates to borrowers.
  607. “I expect that this scheme will encourage greater participation by banks in the sector and enable them to pass on meaningfully reduced interest rates and other lending accommodations to CHPs.
  608. “If banks see merit in a CHP loan guarantee scheme, the Minister of Finance will finalise its design and work towards a go-live date later this year.
  609. “Together, these two initiatives will increase the scale at which CHPs can access lower cost debt financing, enabling them to grow.
  610. “This is a really exciting day for the CHP sector in New Zealand. The changes are complex but important and will do a lot to allow the CHP sector to grow and deliver more warm dry houses for people in need.”
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  617.  <title>Speech to the Property Council Residential Development Summit</title>
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  619.  <description><![CDATA[Good morning.
  620. I’m excited to be here at the Residential Development Summit.
  621. Thank you to the Property Council for hosting this event.
  622. Residential developers, investors, and the broader property community will play a key role in fixing New Zealand’s housing crisis.
  623. We need your knowledge, expertise, and big ideas to help New Zealand’s housing system grow. We need to go up, we need to go out, we need more housing choice, and we need more tenure types.
  624. Today I’d like to give you an update on our Going for Housing Growth programme, and how changes to the Resource Management Act (RMA) will make it simpler and easier to supply the housing that New Zealanders so desperately need.
  625. I will also be announcing actions Government has agreed to that will enable more greenfield development – allowing our cities to grow out.
  626. Letting our cities grow
  627. I am, unapologetically, an urbanist – dare I say, an ‘urban nerd’ – and a proponent of growth.
  628. I won’t dwell on our housing challenge. You’ve all heard me bang on about that before. Our housing crisis is holding New Zealand back socially and economically.
  629. Report after report and inquiry after inquiry has found that our planning system, particularly restrictions on the supply of urban land, are at the heart of our housing affordability challenge.
  630. I believe that fixing our planning system by making it more enabling and getting the fundamentals right in housing are the best things we can do to unleash New Zealand’s potential.
  631. Getting this right will:
  633. lift economic growth and productivity,
  634. reduce the cost-of-living pressure from housing, and
  635. ensure New Zealanders can enjoy a higher standard of living.
  637. As the Minister Responsible for RMA Reform, Minister of Housing, and now Minister of Transport, I get up every day determined to try and make a difference.
  638. Update on Going for Housing Growth
  639. Let me start with an update of our Going for Housing Growth programme.
  640. It has three pillars:
  642. Pillar One: freeing up land for development and removing unnecessary planning barriers,
  643. Pillar Two: improving infrastructure funding and financing to support urban growth, and
  644. Pillar Three: providing incentives for communities and councils to support growth.
  645. Housing Growth Targets for Tier 1 and 2 councils to “live-zone” 30-years of housing demand,
  646. making it easier for cities to expand,
  647. strengthening the intensification provisions in the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD),
  648. putting in new rules requiring councils to enable mixed-used development, and
  649. abolishing minimum floor areas and balcony requirements.
  651. Pillar One
  652. We have made good progress on Pillar One which includes:
  653. I announced these changes last year and officials have been working hard on the finer details.
  654. The changes I announced last year build on the NPS-UD brought in by the previous government in 2020, but they obviously sit within the existing RMA structure.
  655. As you’ll have seen on Monday, the Government is replacing the RMA entirely with two new laws.
  656. This presents an obvious sequencing problem. We are committed to housing growth targets, strengthening density requirements, and so on.
  657. This year we will consult on changes through Pillar One, as intended. You can expect that around May.
  658. However, if we implemented them straight away in 2026, Councils would be forced to conduct expensive and lengthy plan changes – only to start all over again a year or so later once the new RMA comes into effect.
  659. So, we’ve made the pragmatic decision to implement Pillar One of our Housing Growth changes as part of the replacement of the RMA.
  660. This also allows us to think about housing growth targets in the context of standardised zones.
  661. So, councils will implement Phase 3 of the Resource Management reforms through development of new plans, starting from 2027.
  662. Rest assured, Pillar One will be ready to go for Councils’ 2027 Long Term Plan cycle.
  663. Pillar Two
  664. Now, let’s talk about Pillar Two – improving infrastructure funding and financing.
  665. Pillar One is about upending the system by flooding the market with development opportunities and fundamentally making housing more affordable.
  666. But, freeing up urban land is not enough on its own. We also need to ensure the timely provision of infrastructure.
  667. Put simply, you can’t have housing without land, water, transport, and other community infrastructure.
  668. But under the status quo, councils and developers face big challenges to fund and finance enabling infrastructure.
  669. So, last month I announced five changes to our infrastructure funding and financing toolkit to get more houses built.
  671. The first is replacing Development Contributions (DCs) with a Development Levy System, where growth pays for growth,
  672. The second is establishing regulatory oversight of these Levies to ensure charges are fair and appropriate,
  673. The third is increasing the flexibility of targeted rates,
  674. The fourth is making changes to the Infrastructure Funding and Financing Act (IFF Act) that will make it more effective and simplify processes, and
  675. The fifth is broadening the IFF Act so that beneficiaries can help pay for major transportation projects.
  677. I won’t go into too much detail here today.
  678. But at a high-level, these changes will help create a flexible funding and financing system to match our flexible planning system.
  679. These are some big changes, and it will take some time to get them right.
  680. Our aim is to have legislation in the House by September this year, to come into effect next year.
  681. Councils will be able to make the shift to development levies on the same timeline as the 2027 Long Term Plan cycle.
  682. You can see, I hope, a lot of really good things coming together around 2027.
  683. Pillar Three
  684. On Pillar Three, officials are working away on this, and we will have more to say later this year.
  685. Changes to RMA will support more housing
  686. I want to quickly talk about how RMA reform will make it simpler and easier to supply the housing New Zealanders need.
  687. For example, standardised zones will be a game changer.
  688. I completely agree with urban economist Stuart Donovan – zoning is so balkanised that even large developers tend to stick to one or a few main centres as branching out requires reconfiguring to different planning rules.
  689. Developers currently face a Gordian knot of these rules.
  690. Maximum building heights of 9m in Kapiti versus 8m in Dunedin. Porirua requires an outdoor living space of at least 20m2 for a medium-density residential unit – in the Manawatu it’s 36m2. In Dunedin, maximum building site coverage can vary from 30% to 60% whereas in Taupō it varies from 2.5% to 55%.
  691. Councils are even getting involved with things as niche as whether it is possible for someone to see the TV from the likely location of their couch – or whether doors should face out for “privacy” or in for “inclusion and community”.
  692. I get email after email about this stuff. People stop me in the street to tell me about it. It is utterly out of control.
  693. Councils should be focusing on engaging with communities, looking at capacity in the network, and making decisions on where growth is most appropriate.
  694. And we need to grow both up and out.
  695. For the remainder of this speech, I want to focus on what we are doing to enable more greenfield development.
  696. Changes to the NPS-HPL
  697. The National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land – or the NPS-HPL, was introduced by the last Government to protect New Zealand’s highly productive soils. This piece of national direction is intended to boost food security for both our domestic food supply and primary exports.
  698. However, it is clear that it has gone too far. As currently drafted, the NPS-HPL protects a total of 15 percent of the country’s landmass. That’s nearly as large as the entire Canterbury region.
  699. This protected land often surrounds our biggest and fastest growing cities where growth is busting to get out.
  700. I have lost count of the number of developers who have come up to me since this has been introduced, frustrated that they are unable to secure land for greenfield housing to be developed.
  701. There needs to be a balance between how we protect our most productive land with our need for more housing to tackle our housing crisis.
  702. Right now, that balance is out of whack.
  703. National campaigned on amending the NPS-HPL to remove the lowest classification of land protected, what is known as LUC-3.
  704. This kind of land is not the golden soils we need in Pukekohe – instead, it’s much lower quality land that is good for housing.
  705. Despite being a lower quality of soil, two thirds of land protected by the NPS-HPL is classified as LUC-3.
  706. I am pleased to announce today that Cabinet has agreed to remove LUC-3 from the NPS-HPL this year, fulfilling our election promise.
  707. Across the country, this will open up land for housing roughly equivalent to the size of the Waikato region.
  708. Alongside this, we are going to consult on whether we should establish what we’ve called ‘special agriculture zones’ around key horticulture hubs like Horowhenua or Pukekohe. This would essentially protect LUC 1, 2 and 3 land when it is grouped together in a natural configuration.
  709. We need more houses, and we need more greenfield development.
  710. Removing these restrictions will allow us to have our vegetables and eat them too.
  711. Changes to the NPS-HPL will be progressed as part of our National Direction changes in Phase 2 of our RMA reforms.
  712. I will announce further details about the timing and shape of that package tomorrow but wanted to announce this change today to highlight our Government’s commitment to greenfield housing.
  713. Greenfield Model
  714. To further demonstrate this commitment, we are also taking action to get more greenfield houses built in the near term.
  715. I am pleased to announce that the Government will provide finance to developers to ensure more medium-sized greenfield developments – think around 1,000 to 2,000 dwellings – are enabled through the Infrastructure Funding and Finance Act.
  716. We are calling this the Greenfield Model.
  717. The Government will support National Infrastructure Funding and Financing Ltd – or NIFFCo – in lending up to $100 million to developers for infrastructure needed to enable new greenfield housing.
  718. This model is being funded using existing unallocated funding within NIFFCo.
  719. Here is how it will work.
  720. NIFFCo will lend to an IFF Act Special Purpose Vehicle at a very competitive interest rate during the development phase of a project.
  721. Then, the debt will be refinanced to private markets once the development is complete, with the funding ultimately being repaid by future homeowners through an annual levy.
  722. The development phase of a project is often the riskiest – and private financiers reflect this by charging higher interest rates.
  723. NIFFCo’s loan will provide lower cost financing to developers over the development period by charging approximately what private financiers would charge for completed developments.
  724. This is a big win for growth.
  725. NIFFCo will also be able to recycle capital into new projects after the five- to seven-year development period.
  726. We are putting the Greenfield Model in place as a targeted interim measure while our Going for Housing Growth policy and Local Government reforms bed-in from 2027 or so onwards.
  727. To date, the IFF Act has not been used for greenfield housing developments.
  728. The Act is complex, and levies are deemed too expensive. The higher than anticipated levies are also much less favourable than using DCs which are often artificially low, under-recover growth costs, and are cross subsidised by rates.
  729. The economics of IFF Act levies just don’t make sense right now.
  730. The changes we are making through Pillar Two, particularly around improvements to the IFF Act and our shift from DCs to Development Levies, will do the heavy lifting to fix incentives and put in place a more effective infrastructure funding and financing system where growth pays for growth.
  731. But, as fast as we are going on this, it won’t happen overnight.
  732. So, the Greenfield Model is a good short-term, cost-effective intervention as the lower interest rate provides benefits of around $10,000 per dwelling.
  733. For comparison, the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund, which was set up to support new housing by the previous government, cost around $28,000 per house.
  734. This model will support growth that otherwise wouldn’t have happened – or would have happened much later.
  735. I am excited to just crack on.
  736. Conclusion
  737. Let me finish by saying that solving our housing crisis is one of this Government’s top priorities.
  738. And to be honest, it is my number one priority.
  739. I look forward to working with you to grow up and out, and to deliver more housing that New Zealanders need.
  740. Thank you.
  741. ]]></description>
  742.  <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:55:53 +1300</pubDate>
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  747.  <title>Government to support greenfield housing </title>
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  749.  <description><![CDATA[The Government has made changes to build more homes on the outskirts of our cities, allocating $100 million to be lent to developers for housing infrastructure, as well as cutting the RMA red tape restricting land available for development, says Housing and Infrastructure Minister Chris Bishop.
  750. “The government is committed to letting our cities grow up and out to address our housing crisis. Medium-sized greenfield developments play a crucial role in increasing supply, but without the right support, many projects risk being delayed or unable to progress,” says Chris Bishop.
  751. “The government’s Going for Housing Growth and Resource Management Act reforms will be critical in addressing our housing crisis – but it will take time to legislate and then bed in. In the meantime, we don’t have time to waste, so these immediate changes are necessary interim measures to help boost housing supply.&nbsp;
  752. “The government’s National Infrastructure Funding and Financing Agency (NIFFCo) has been developing a pipeline of potential important greenfield projects, and the initial transactions are expected to be drawn from this pipeline.
  753. “Under this new model, which we are calling the Greenfield Model, NIFFCo will lend to an Infrastructure Funding and Finance Act Special Purpose Vehicle at a very competitive interest rate during the development phase of a project. Then, the debt will be refinanced to private markets once the development is complete. The funding will ultimately be repaid by future homeowners through an annual levy.“The development phase of a project is often the riskiest, and private financiers reflect this by charging higher interest rates. NIFFCo’s loan will provide lower cost financing to developers over the development period by charging approximately what private financiers would charge for completed developments.“This support will bridge the financing gap and help ensure that new homes continue to be built in areas where they are needed most.
  754. “Funding for the new ‘Greenfield Model’ comes from unallocated funding within NIFFCo. It will be able to recycle capital into new projects after the five- to seven-year development period.
  755. “I am also announcing today that Cabinet has agreed to remove LUC-3 protections from the National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL) this year, fulfilling National’s election promise.
  756. “The NPS-HPL protects our productive soils from development, ensuring New Zealand has a secure food supply. However, there needs to be a balance between how we protect our most productive land with our need for more housing to tackle our housing crisis.
  757. “As currently drafted, the NPS-HPL protects a total of 15 percent of the country’s landmass. Three classifications of soil are protected under the NPS-HPL, with two thirds being classified as LUC-3, the lowest quality.
  758. “Across the country, this change has the potential to open up new land for greenfield housing roughly equivalent to the size of the Waikato region.
  759. “To ensure we have got the balance between protecting our food supply and enabling more houses to be built, alongside this change we are going to consult on whether we should establish ‘special agriculture zones’.
  760. “These would essentially protect LUC 1, 2 and 3 land when it is grouped together in a natural configuration in key horticultural horticulture hubs like Horowhenua or Pukekohe.
  761. “These are good, short-term and cost-effective interventions while we get the underlying system settings right to fix our housing crisis. They will both make it easier to bring new much needed housing projects to market that otherwise wouldn’t have happened or would have happened much later.”
  762. Notes to Editors:
  763. Background:
  765. The Infrastructure Funding and Finance Act (IFF Act) enables Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) to finance infrastructure by charging a levy to those who benefit from the infrastructure. NIFFCo provides equity and debt, raises necessary external debt finance, operates SPVs, and repays finance through levies collected through councils.
  766. The IFF Act has been successfully used for city-wide transport projects in Tauranga and a wastewater treatment plant in Wellington.
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  774.  <title>New law targets illegal fishing in the high seas</title>
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  776.  <description><![CDATA[New Zealand’s fight against illegal fishing in the high seas has been boosted by new legislation which passed its third reading in Parliament today.
  777. The Fisheries (International Fishing and Other Matters) Amendment Bill sets out stronger powers for the investigation of and action against suspected illegal fishing outside New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone.&nbsp;
  778. “Illegal fishing in the high seas hurts all countries by undercutting legitimate operators, distorting markets and impacting sustainability,” Oceans and Fisheries Minister Shane Jones says.
  779. “These changes take a commonsense approach to the problem by strengthening our ability to fight illegal fishing outside our domestic waters and beefing up regulation for our own commercial fishers in international waters.”
  780. Key changes include:
  782. Improving the regulation and permitting of New Zealand vessels fishing outside our waters.
  783. Strengthening New Zealand’s ability to combat IUU fishing by both New Zealand and foreign vessels.
  784. Clarifying and expanding the international fishing permitting regime for industry and decision-makers.
  785. Strengthening the efficiency and effectiveness of action taken against fisheries violations.&nbsp;
  787. “The Pacific Ocean provides food and economic opportunities for the countries in and around it. These changes will help ensure fisheries continue to thrive while protecting the livelihoods of fishing communities throughout New Zealand and the Pacific,” Mr Jones says.
  788. ]]></description>
  789.  <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:25:24 +1300</pubDate>
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  794.  <title>Regional Tourism Boosts drive international growth</title>
  795.  <link></link>
  796.  <description><![CDATA[Autumn and winter international visitor numbers are being boosted by six new regional initiatives, taking tourists beyond traditional hot spots to see more of New Zealand.
  797. Tourism and Hospitality Minister Louise Upston says the successful regional tourism organisations will receive a total of $3 million for short, sharp campaigns across regional New Zealand.
  798. “I’m pleased to announce support for six successful initiatives, ranging from the top of the North to the bottom of the South Island. There’s again a strong focus on the Australian market, with one setting its sights on North America,” Louise Upston says.
  799. “The successful bids are:
  801. $600,000 for a top of the North initiative led by RotoruaNZ
  802. $600,000 for a central North Island and Nelson / Marlborough initiative led by WellingtonNZ
  803. $600,000 for a central South Island initiative led by ChristchurchNZ for a winter-focused marketing campaign
  804. $170,000 for a top of the South initiative led by Development West Coast
  805. $350,000 for a lower South Island initiative led by Great South
  806. $680,000 for a nation-wide initiative, led by Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, focused on the North American market.
  808. “I’m thrilled to see tourism businesses working together with councils and communities to get in behind this. We want tourists travelling across New Zealand, so they’re aware of everything New Zealand has to offer.
  809. “Every café selling a coffee, every motel getting a booking and every attraction that’s visited will feel the benefit from increased visitor numbers.”
  810. The Regional Tourism Boost contestable fund opened in February with applicants encouraged to collaborate to attract more international visitors to their wider regions over autumn and winter.
  811. It’s part of Tourism Boost, developed by the Government in partnership with industry to support an immediate growth in visitor numbers.
  812. “This regional activity, alongside our previously announced Australia campaign and funding to encourage more business events, will continue to boost tourism and drive economic growth.
  813. “This is a year of opportunity for tourism. The numbers are already tracking up and 2025 is our chance to further reinforce its value to a humming, vibrant country, where we welcome anyone, from anywhere, anytime,” Louise Upston says.
  814. ]]></description>
  815.  <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:27:16 +1300</pubDate>
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  820.  <title>Speech to open new building at Lincoln University</title>
  821.  <link></link>
  822.  <description><![CDATA[I am very pleased to open the redeveloped George Forbes Building at Lincoln University.
  823. The original building was opened by Governor-General Viscount Cobham on 11th August 1960. He inherited Viscount Cobham from his father but his birth name was actually Charles Lyttelton, Lyttelton being named after his great grandfather.
  824. The building has undergone significant changes since then that have made it a notable landmark in the area.
  825. This latest development creates a vibrant new student hub, which will contribute to a world-class campus.
  826. I know Lincoln has a strong focus on its students, both in terms of their campus experience but also a commitment to supporting their success in study and moving into employment.
  827. This space demonstrates your focus on your learners and their future, by providing a mix of areas for relaxation and recreation, as well as places to work and collaborate with others.
  828. And collaboration is one of the hallmarks of the university.
  829. We can see it today in your strong domestic and international partnerships in research and teaching.
  830. An excellent example is Bioprotection Aotearoa, a Centre of Research Excellence that features a collaborative partnership of 11 universities and CRIs to train the next generation of bioprotection researchers. It also delivers pioneering, multi-disciplinary research to protect our productive and natural landscapes from pathogens, pests and weeds in a warming climate.
  831. Scientists from Lincoln along with Plant &amp; Food Research have contributed to the discovery of a new gene - the PAR gene - that will make it possible to produce seeds from crops that are genetically identical to the mother plant, without pollination. This was done with scientists in the Netherlands and Japan, and it is expected to lead to major innovations in plant breeding.
  832. You also have a strong history in commercial collaboration. The New Zealand Agricultural Engineering Institute (NZAEI) established in 1965, now Lincoln Agritech, has a history of finding practical engineering solutions to agricultural issues, supporting sustainable production. That contributes social, environmental and economic benefits to the community but also to your researchers and helps maintain the university’s reputation as a partner in innovation.
  833. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Lincoln has been making vital contributions to our country and to the wider world, in agriculture, horticulture and viticulture, for nearly 150 years. That’s quite an achievement and something to be proud of.
  834. Your focus on the agricultural sector has positioned you well in our nation’s economy and helped build our reputation as an agricultural innovator, as well as a successful and reliable supplier of high-quality food and associated technologies.
  835. These are some of the things that place this small university in the top 150 for agriculture and forestry, according to the QS World University Rankings.
  836. It is also in the top 150 for hospitality and leisure, another significant industry for economic growth, and one that relies for much of its appeal on the quality of our rural environments and the products that are so important to this country’s economy.
  837. I know that you have a long-term plan which is driving the shape of the campus, with both new and redeveloped facilities.
  838. With Plant &amp; Food Research and Landcare Research across the road, we have a hub of research excellence that is important to New Zealand’s agricultural future.
  839. These combine to make Lincoln an attractive place to study. You have rapidly rebuilt your domestic and international student population, and achieved a position of financial sustainability while continuing to be recognised as a leader in research for the land-based sectors.
  840. Keeping all of your achievements in mind, it gives me great pleasure to turn to the opening of this new development and the opportunities still to come.
  841. I want to thank a great-grandson and namesake of George Forbes, who provided very helpful information on his history. I know he was invited today and I hope he is here.
  842. The Right Honourable George William Forbes was MP for Hurunui from 1908 to 1943 and Prime Minister from 1930 to 1935. He was also the first leader of the National Party.
  843. Before that he was farmer in Cheviot – on his farm called Crystal Brook – which he farmed until his death. He had a keen and enduring interest in the industry throughout his political career, and he regularly attended agricultural events here at Lincoln.
  844. The George Forbes Memorial Library was developed in recognition of his advancement of the interests of Canterbury Agricultural College, as it was then, in the mid-1920s, when plans for Massey Agricultural College were underway.
  845. The library has moved but the building retains his name. It is now the new entry point to the university.
  846. For learners just starting their tertiary education journey, this will be a place of welcome and connection with each other and the studies that will support their success in years to come.
  847. Many Lincoln alumni have gone on to play, and continue to play, prominent roles in New Zealand life. There is an impressive list of scientists, All Blacks and business leaders, as well as politicians and media personalities, who have passed through these halls. There are a few international leaders in there as well.
  848. Lincoln was a key part of their leadership journey.
  849. That’s as it should be. We expect our tertiary institutions to produce leaders in all areas – science, arts, public service, sports, community and commerce.
  850. I believe George William Forbes would be proud and pleased with this place and the contribution Lincoln is continuing to make to New Zealand, as well as the continuing association of his name with the university.
  851. Thank you Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for your continuing efforts, and congratulations to you and the university community on this occasion.
  852. I now take great pride in officially declaring the George Forbes Building open.
  853. Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
  854. ]]></description>
  855.  <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:00:00 +1300</pubDate>
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  860.  <title>Cuts to consultant, contractor spend exceed target</title>
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  862.  <description><![CDATA[The Government’s move to cut public sector spending on consultants and contractors is on track to save $800 million over two years – double the initial target, Public Service Minister Judith Collins says.
  863. “We set a two-year target to cut $400 million in spending on consultants and contractors across the public sector by 2024/25,” Ms Collins says.
  864. “The&nbsp;latest update anticipates savings will come in at more than $800 million by the end of June.
  865. “That’s $800 million that can be spent on delivering core services to taxpayers, in areas such as healthcare, law enforcement and education.
  866. “Taxpayers expect public servants to spend their money wisely, and I’m very happy to share with them just how much money is on track to be saved as a direct result of the Government’s efforts to rein in excessive spending while ensuring core government services continue to be delivered.”
  867. Public Service Commission data released today shows the size of the&nbsp;core public service workforce decreased 4 percent in the 12 months to December 2024. At the end of December there were 62,968 public servants (FTEs), compared with 65,699 in December 2023.&nbsp;&nbsp;
  868. “This reduction largely impacted back-office roles and has been offset by an increase in the number of frontline staff,” Ms Collins says.
  869. “In the six years from 2017 to 2023, total salary costs for the core public service workforce grew a staggering 72 percent, to about $6.1 billion a year. We simply do not have sufficient taxpayers to support that kind of growth.
  870. “The Government will continue to focus on the delivery of frontline services while keeping contractor and consultant spending and the overall size of the workforce in check.”
  871. Note to editors:
  872. The core Public Service are departments and departmental agencies only. It excludes the wider public sector, such as defence personnel, police, teachers and public healthcare workers
  873. ]]></description>
  874.  <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 10:53:48 +1300</pubDate>
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  879.  <title>Funding limit change win for mental health sector</title>
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  881.  <description><![CDATA[Minister for Mental Health Matt Doocey says smaller Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) will now be able to benefit from the Government’s Mental Health Innovation Fund following a change to the match funding threshold.
  882. “This fund was created in consultation with NGOs so it’s important that, if changes are made, they are made following feedback from the sector.
  883. “So, I am pleased to be announcing today there is now a lower limit required to access match funding. We have gone from requiring at least $250,000 per application to $100,000. This means more NGOs will benefit, but the real winners are New Zealanders looking to access timely mental health support,” says Mr Doocey.
  884. The announcement was made while Mr Doocey was speaking to the NGO sector at the Platform Trust Members Day.
  885. “Round one of the Fund saw great organisations who are already making a real difference receive funding. These included MATES in Construction, The Mental Health Foundation, YouthLine, Wellington City Mission, Rotorua Youth One Stop Shop and the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. There will be further announcements from round one in due course.”
  886. During the announcement, Minister Doocey also laid out his priorities for the year ahead that the Fund will help to contribute to.
  887. “This Government is working hard to bring down mental health and addiction wait times. We are the first Government to introduce specific mental health targets and the initiatives funded to date are taking pressure off the public system and using a workforce that sits outside it.
  888. “We have a responsibility as a government to look at every option we can to ensure New Zealanders have timely access to mental health support where and when they need it. They have a Government that will leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of this goal.
  889. “It is vital that we enable NGOs to deliver innovative projects and initiatives that increase faster access to better mental health support across New Zealand. This lower funding limit will help clear the way for more organisations to contribute to the Government’s vision,” Mr Doocey says.
  890. Notes to editors:&nbsp;•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fund will see $10 million spent across two years.•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Successful proposals will need to demonstrate that they can address the following:•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Increases access to mental health and addiction support&nbsp;•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Protects public specialist mental health and addiction services by reducing demand•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Develops capacity in the mental health and addiction workforce•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Uses technology to drive productivity•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Delivers scalable solutions for unmet need•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Returns positive social return on investment (with evidence)•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Achieves positive outcomes for target population groups that have evidence of poorer mental health outcomes than other groups•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Will be co-funded on a dollar-for-dollar matched funding basis
  891. ]]></description>
  892.  <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 09:30:22 +1300</pubDate>
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  897.  <title>Social worker legislation strengthens professional oversight  </title>
  898.  <link></link>
  899.  <description><![CDATA[New legislation passed in Parliament highlights the influential role social workers play in communities around New Zealand, supporting some of the most under-served and vulnerable members of our society.
  900. Minister for Social Development and Employment Louise Upston says the Social Workers Registration Amendment Bill, which passed its third reading, puts safety at the forefront.
  901. “Through this legislation we are tightening up a number of significant matters, including the process where social workers accused of wrongdoing may now be stood down before a formal investigation or criminal proceeding has started, reducing risk to vulnerable members of the public,” Louise Upston says.
  902. “Overall, the six policy changes and 10 technical amendments included in the legislation will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the wider Act.&nbsp;
  903. “Each change separately has a small impact, but together, they strengthen protections and operations.
  904. “They also build on wider changes to the way social workers are governed, professionalising the workforce across the board.
  905. “For example, social workers all now need to formally register with the Social Workers Registration Board, and hold a practicing certificate, which must be renewed each year.&nbsp;
  906. “In this way, we increase transparency within the profession and put its important status alongside similar professions in health, teaching and law, which all have mandatory registration.
  907. “It is crucial we have a workforce of social workers who are able to serve increasingly complex and diverse needs. I recognise the hard work and stressful situations they frequently find themselves in, and the need for professional protections too,” Louise Upston says.&nbsp;
  908. The Bill under debate had been prepared in response to the Social Workers Registration Board’s 2020 review of the Social Workers Registration Legislation Act.
  909. “The 16 amendments passed today provide fit-for-purpose occupational regulation — an important part of ensuring the safety of both social workers and the public throughout New Zealand.&nbsp;
  910. “These changes will help achieve better regulatory oversight, clarity for the workers themselves, and protections for the public,” Louise Upston says.&nbsp;
  911. ]]></description>
  912.  <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 10:24:51 +1300</pubDate>
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  917.  <title>Attendance rates rising but not good enough</title>
  918.  <link></link>
  919.  <description><![CDATA[Associate Education Minister David Seymour says this Government has prioritised student attendance and as a result we’ve seen every term in 2024 record higher attendance than in 2023.
  920. In Term 4 of 2024 58.1 per cent of students attended school regularly, an increase of 5.1 percentage points from 53 per cent in Term 4 of 2023. Attendance rates across all equity index groups increased from 2023 to 2024.
  921. “Every region has recorded an increase in attendance. I would like to give a special shoutout to North and West Auckland and South and South-West Auckland for recording the biggest improvements, of 6.6 per cent each,” says Mr Seymour
  922. “While there’s more work to be done, these numbers are another step in the right direction to achieving the Government’s goal of ensuring 80 per cent of students are present more than 90 per cent of the term by 2030. 
  923. “I’m encouraged to see attendance rates continuing to increase steadily for all students, including those facing the most socio-economic barriers.  
  924. “Attending school is the first step towards achieving positive educational outcomes. Positive educational outcomes lead to better health, higher incomes, better job stability and greater participation within communities. These are opportunities that every student deserves.
  925. “This trend must continue as schools begin investigating reasons for absence and supporting students back to school, as outlined in the Stepped Attendance Response (STAR).
  926. “Schools will be required to do this from Term 1, 2026, although schools who don’t already follow a similar approach are encouraged to start earlier, and the Ministry has support in place.
  927. “We are focussed on improving educational outcomes for all Kiwi children. No matter someone’s socio-economic background, location, or ethnicity, getting your children to school is the best thing you can do to ensure they have a bright future.”
  928. Attendance data can be found here Attendance | Education Counts
  929. ]]></description>
  930.  <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2025 10:06:13 +1300</pubDate>
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  935.  <title> Government unlocks export growth opportunities for New Zealand dairy businesses</title>
  936.  <link></link>
  937.  <description><![CDATA[The Government’s commitment to growing the value of New Zealand’s dairy exports has taken a major step forward with the passing of a key Bill in Parliament, Agriculture Minister Todd McClay announced today.
  938. “The Dairy Industry Restructuring (Export Licences Allocation) Amendment Bill, which passed its third reading today,modernises New Zealand’s dairy export quota system, creating new opportunities for growth and boosting farmgate returns,” Mr McClay says.
  939. “New Zealand’s dairy farmers and processors produce world-class products, but outdated rules have restricted export growth. This law unlocks greater access to lucrative overseas markets and ensures the quota system reflects the diversity of our dairy industry.”
  940. New Zealand currently administers dairy export quotas for the Dominican Republic, the European Union, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
  941. “The Bill introduces vital changes to better support businesses of all sizes, and it shifts quota allocation from the proportion of milk solids a company collects from farmers to a system based on export performance,” Mr McClay says.
  942. “It also reserves portions of quotas for exporters who are currently ineligible -- ensuring fairer access across the industry.
  943. “And importantly, it now includes quota for sheep, goat, and deer milk processors, unlocking new export opportunities and revenue streams.”
  944. Mr McClay says the Bill directly supports the Government’s ambitious goal of doubling the value of New Zealand’s exports in 10 years.
  945. The commencement date for the Bill is 1 May 2025.
  946. ]]></description>
  947.  <pubDate>Wed, 26 Mar 2025 23:01:44 +1300</pubDate>
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  952.  <title>Unlocking data to increase competition and choice </title>
  953.  <link></link>
  954.  <description><![CDATA[Easier data sharing will lead to greater competition and better choice for consumers in key markets such as banking and electricity, thanks to today’s passing of the Customer and Product Data Bill, says Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Scott Simpson.
  955. “The days of manually searching the internet for the best electricity plan, or painstakingly going line by line through months of bank statements when applying for a mortgage, could soon be over. Using your own data shouldn’t be that difficult, and it won’t be in the future,” says Mr Simpson.
  956. “This is a monumental step for Kiwi consumers. It sets up the framework to give them greater ownership of their data, and more power and ease when it comes to shopping around for the best deal on utilities and other essential services.
  957. “It will also help grow New Zealand’s economy by breaking down the barriers for innovative technology companies, meaning they can also save time and money and offer new data-driven products and services.
  958. “Progressing this Bill was recommended by the Commerce Commission following its market study of the banking sector. We are on track to have open banking operational by the end of the year – well before the June 2026 target set by the Commission – with regulations specific to the sector to be confirmed in the coming weeks.
  959. “The next cab off the rank will be the electricity sector, to enable open electricity, and the legislation opens up possibilities in other sectors in future.
  960. “This legislation is very timely, with the media reporting just last week on exactly why a consumer data regime was needed. For instance, a Commerce Commission study found that nearly a third of mobile and broadband users have not switched providers because it was simply too hard.
  961. “Meanwhile in the electricity sector, comparison website Powerswitch says that because not all retailers are playing ball and sharing information, it is difficult to support people wanting to switch.
  962. “The data has always been there – but businesses holding it have had little incentive to invest in better data-sharing technology and agreements. We’re putting the power back into the hands of those who own the data: consumers.
  963. “I am excited to see the competition, choice, and innovation that this will unleash.”
  964. ]]></description>
  965.  <pubDate>Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:19:55 +1300</pubDate>
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  970.  <title>Legislation supports continued safe operation of clubs and ranges</title>
  971.  <link></link>
  972.  <description><![CDATA[Legislation passed today will support the continued safe operation of shooting clubs and shooting ranges, Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee says.
  973. “This is an important step towards modernising our firearms laws and ensuring shooting clubs and ranges are fairly regulated in a manner that supports public safety.
  974. “The Arms (Shooting Clubs, Shooting Ranges, and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2025 was developed as part of the Government’s four phased approach to firearms reform. It provides regulatory relief to the operators of shooting clubs and ranges; while making sure the necessary tools remain in place to ensure public safety,” Mrs McKee says.
  975. The Act introduces several key changes to Part 6 of the Arms Act which include:
  977. A new simpler enrolment system for non-pistol shooting clubs and ranges;
  978. Decreased barriers to operating temporary non-pistol ranges;
  979. Clarification on the timing of inspections; and
  980. A range of minor changes to reduce compliance burdens.
  982. “The changes made to the Act simplify the regulatory requirements on shooting clubs and ranges, while maintaining public safety requirements. This will provide relief to club and range operators, who have struggled to comply with the unnecessary extra regulatory burden.”
  983. The Act was developed following consultation with members of the clubs and ranges community, firearms safety experts, and community stakeholders, as well as valuable input from the wider public through the Select Committee process.
  984. Updates to the Arms Regulations 1992 to reflect the changes made in the Act are expected to come into effect once the Bill comes into force in three months’ time.
  985. “We have listened to the concerns of New Zealanders and worked to create a law that prioritises safety while ensuring responsible licenced firearms owners are treated fairly.
  986. “This Act forms the second phase of the Government’s four phase approach to firearms reform, which will culminate in a complete rewrite of the Arms Act 1983,” Mrs McKee says.
  987. ]]></description>
  988.  <pubDate>Wed, 26 Mar 2025 20:08:04 +1300</pubDate>
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  993.  <title>Speech to Project Auckland Luncheon</title>
  994.  <link></link>
  995.  <description><![CDATA[Good afternoon, everyone. Thanks, Murray, for that introduction.
  996. It’s a pleasure to be speaking with you here in New Zealand’s capital city of growth, at this launch of the Project Auckland report.
  997. Can I start by acknowledging my parliamentary colleague Hon Simeon Brown. He is unquestionably the biggest advocate for Auckland I know – and is a staunch advocate for you all around the Cabinet table.
  998. I also want to acknowledge Project Auckland Editor Fran O’Sullivan, Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson, and my former parliamentary colleague and boss Simon Bridges.
  999. While I am a boy from Lower Hutt, I want to reassure you that I know and love this city, having lived here for two years, having many friends who live here, and am at the moment almost a weekly visitor.
  1000. Auckland is critical to New Zealand’s future. We are not going to be successful in growing our economy if we don’t think carefully about how we enable Auckland, as our largest and most important city, to grow and thrive.
  1001. That’s why government is investing heavily into transport in Auckland, through new Roads of National Significance, new busways, and commuter rail.
  1002. Without question, the largest of these planned investments is a second harbour crossing.
  1003. In fact, it will be one of the most expensive infrastructure investments in New Zealand history.
  1004. Our existing bridge is old, and even with the clip-on lanes, it’s expected to struggle with forecast increases in demand.
  1005. Despite the daunting cost, and the other challenges that come with the project, advancing an additional harbour crossing is a priority for this Government.
  1006. Right now, there is a barge in the harbour undertaking geotechnical, environmental, and utilities investigations of the Harbour floor – the first-time studies of this kind have been done.
  1007. NTZA are about to kick off early market soundings on this project, largely to help us make the decision every Aucklander is waiting for: bridge or tunnel. We expect to make that decision mid-2026.
  1008. Being realistic, this project won’t be built for a while yet – but Auckland doesn’t need to wait that long to experience a transformational transport project.
  1009. Everyone in this room knows the potential City Rail Link has to enable the growth Auckland needs.
  1010. Once open next year, CRL will double Auckland’s rail capacity and reduce congestion across the city, enabling Aucklanders to get to where they want to go faster.
  1011. It is critical for the city’s future that we take advantage of CRL and ensure that the maximum benefits are felt by Aucklanders.
  1012. We must focus high density, mixed-use developments around CRL stations – with as many jobs, houses, services and amenities within walking distance as possible.
  1013. This approach is known as transit-oriented development, and has been adopted by the world’s best and most liveable cities – think Stockholm, Copenhagen, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Singapore.
  1014. Cities that embrace transit orientated development consistently outperform those that don’t across multiple metrics: they experience increases in productivity, lower unemployment, higher population growth, increased availability of homes, and more stable rents.
  1015. And with CRL, we have a once in a generation chance to embrace this in Auckland.
  1016. Consent decline
  1017. This is why I was so frustrated last week to see a resource consent application to build a $100m office building on K Road – within walking distance of the new CRL station – was denied by commissioners.
  1018. Frankly, this decision made me feel physically ill.
  1019. How can it possibly be that an 11-story building, which includes retail spaces and food and beverage stores, alongside office and commercial spaces for more than 400 people, is turned down in the centre of New Zealand’s biggest city?
  1020. The site it is currently planned to be on is a gravel pit. You heard that correctly. Our current planning laws are so fundamentally broken that a gravel pit in the CBD of Auckland is unable to be developed into a new office building.
  1021. The commissioners’ report said “The principal concern for the board is the scale of the development.”
  1022. Which might be more understandable if that was said about a development in a small regional town, but is astounding when there is a 20 story building within 100 metres.
  1023. Putting it simply, and excuse the RMA language, the commissioners when declining this application concluded that the adverse effects related to built form and appearance, streetscape, and historic heritage had not been sufficiently avoided such that the effects on the environment were considered ‘more than minor’.
  1024. This is precisely why we are scrapping the RMA, and replacing it with a radically more enabling system predicated on property rights. As you will have hopefully seen, I announced the architecture for our new system earlier this week.
  1025. A number of the changes we are progressing would have likely led to this K-Road development being approved rather than declined.
  1026. Our planned standardised zoning approach will help us move away from considering matters such as built form and appearance, or streetscape.
  1027. It will be clear what you can build and where, with fewer restrictions encouraging increased creativity in our built form – likely improving the look of our cities.
  1028. What I want to see in our new planning system is that development like this, due to its proximity to rapid transit and the central city, would be able to proceed without the need to gain approval at all - instead proceeding as a permitted activity through a standardised zone.
  1029. The other, more technical change we are proposing to make is the removal of what is known as non-complying activity status. The RMA states that a consent can only be granted for a non-complying activity if the adverse effects of the activity are minor, or the activity will not be contrary to objectives and policies of a plan.
  1030. In layman’s terms, this creates a barrier to some of these larger projects, with a much higher bar for approval, which sometimes is insurmountable.
  1031. This K-Road development was one of these non-complying activities. Remember that McDonalds in Wanaka that was declined a few weeks ago? Also a non-complying activity. That Southland windfarm that was declined last week? You guessed it: non-complying activity.
  1032. 8-10% of all resource consent applications every year are for non-complying activities – and therefore face this sometimes impossibly high-bar.
  1033. By removing non-complying activities in our new system, alongside narrowing the effects considered in the planning system, we will making it substantially easier for these big projects to get approval.
  1034. PC 78
  1035. Moving on from K-Road - another issue that has been causing significant uncertainty for Auckland Council, as well as Aucklanders, has been the ongoing saga with it’s current plan change process, known as PC 78.
  1036. Auckland Council has been progressing PC 78 since mid-2022. This was the vehicle that was intended to implement the National Policy Statement on Urban Development – more commonly known as the NPS-UD, and the Medium Density Residential Standards – more commonly known as the MDRS. Apologies for the acronym soup.
  1037. The idea was that the MDRS, which enabled more density in the suburbs, and the NPS-UD, which enabled more density around CBDs and rapid transit, were both meant to be adopted by councils quickly – and the last Government gave them new planning tools to achieve this.
  1038. This, however, did not quite pan out. Fast forward to today, years after these were introduced, Auckland Council are still going through their plan change process to implement them.
  1039. In fairness to them, there have been significant challenges along the way. Cyclone Gabrielle and flooding events, and the change in Government has now made the progress of PC 78 tricky, to say the least.
  1040. I think Mayor Brown put it best when he called the current situation “a bit like RMA gymnastics”.
  1041. Following the floods, Auckland Council has seen the need to address a number of new natural hazard areas prone to flooding.
  1042. Unfortunately, and frankly, annoyingly, the plan change process they had to use for PC 78, does not allow downzoning. It wasn’t envisaged at the time that councils would need to do anything other than upzoning using this process, and now they are stuck.
  1043. The other issue is the light rail corridor. Auckland Council left this blank in PC 78, anticipating new station location announcements, which obviously did not come, as we won the election, and scrapped this wasteful project as promised.
  1044. We also have also communicated changes to the rules around the MDRS, as we campaigned on, therefore changing Auckland Council’s approach to PC 78 yet again.
  1045. These things have left Auckland Council in a very confusing situation not entirely of their own making – although I do want to say, that if they had they delivered this plan change on the timeframes originally required of them, a number of these issues would be much easier to manage now.
  1046. With us about to introduce a new RMA system, and this having dragged on for frankly far too long already, we want Auckland Council to bank some quick-wins for density and development now. Aucklanders have waited for too long.
  1047. That’s why I can confirm today that I have changed my legal “direction”, made under the RMA, on Auckland Council on the timing and sequencing of decisions on PC 78.
  1048. This change will bring forward decisions on the city centre, by ten months from the previously required date of March 2026 to May 2025.
  1049. This will almost immediately support the enablement of thousands of dwellings and significant development potential in the heart of Auckland – where basically everyone accepts this kind of growth is critical.
  1050. We are able to do this because the city centre parts of PC 78 are discrete from the rest of the changes and have been through submissions and hearings already.
  1051. Locking in this part of the plan change as soon as possible is a massive win for our biggest city, and a massive win for economic growth.
  1052. For the time being, the remainder of PC 78 will still need to be completed by March 2026 as per the law.
  1053. I note that Auckland Council, in their submission on the Resource Management (Consenting and Other System Changes) Amendment Bill, which is currently before the Environment Select Committee, have asked for changes to enable the immediate withdrawal of the remaining parts of PC 78.
  1054. As this Bill is currently before Select Committee, and due to come back to Parliament later in the year, I am unable to provide comment on whether these suggestions will be incorporated.
  1055. However, I can confirm this is something that is being considered as part of the Committee’s process, and I’ll have more to say on this in due course.
  1056. I am grateful to the work of Mayor Brown and his council in advancing housing and urban outcomes for our great city of Auckland.
  1057. In my experience, Mayor Brown has been steadfast in his support for sensible density in the city centre, in Auckland’s metro-centres, and near key transport connections. I want to thank him for his leadership, and for bringing sense back into the density debate in Auckland.
  1058. This situation has without a doubt been the most complex I have had to deal with as a Minister. If anything, it underscores the urgent need for our replacement planning system.
  1059. Aucklanders shouldn’t need a PhD in planning or a team of lawyers to understand the progress of a major zoning change going on in their backyards. Our new system will have plans that are much more streamlined and simple, clearly communicating what Kiwis can do on their own property, without the years and years of backwards and forwards.
  1060. Conclusion
  1061. In conclusion, I want to repeat what I have said in my column in the Project Auckland report we are all here to launch today:
  1062. Auckland has a bright future. Whenever I visit Auckland, I get a palpable sense of opportunity knocking. Auckland isn’t waiting, it’s getting on with the mission of growth. It is bursting at the seams with opportunities — now, it is the responsibility of all of us to help make it happen.
  1063. Thank you – I will now take your questions.
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  1070.  <title>Real consequences for crime restored</title>
  1071.  <link></link>
  1072.  <description><![CDATA[Kiwis can now feel safer knowing serious criminals will spend longer in prison with the Government’s sentencing reforms passing final reading in Parliament today, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says.&nbsp;
  1073. “This Government promised to restore real consequences for crime. That’s exactly what we’re delivering.
  1074. “In recent years, courts have imposed fewer and shorter prison sentences, despite an alarming increase in violent crime, ram raids and aggravated robberies.
  1075. “We know that undue leniency has resulted in a loss of public confidence in sentencing, and our justice system as a whole. We developed a culture of excuses for crime. That ends today.&nbsp;
  1076. “Communities and hardworking New Zealanders should not be made to live and work in fear of criminals who clearly have a flagrant disregard for the law, corrections officers and the general public.
  1077. “This is a significant milestone in this Government’s mission to restore law and order. It signals to victims that they deserve justice, and that they are our priority.”
  1078. The reforms strengthen the criminal justice system by:
  1080. Capping the sentence discounts that judges can apply at 40 per cent&nbsp;when considering mitigating factors unless it would result in manifestly unjust sentencing outcomes.
  1081. Preventing repeat discounts for youth and remorse.&nbsp;Lenient sentences are failing to deter offenders who continue to rely on their youth or expressions of remorse without making serious efforts to reform their behaviour.
  1082. Responding to serious retail crime by introducing a new aggravating factor&nbsp;to address offences against sole charge workers and those whose home and business are interconnected, as committed to in the National-Act coalition agreement.
  1083. Encouraging the use of cumulative sentencing for offences committed while on bail, in custody, or on parole&nbsp;to denounce behaviour that indicates a disregard for the criminal justice system, as committed to in the National-New Zealand First coalition agreement.
  1084. Implementing a sliding scale for early guilty pleas&nbsp;with a maximum sentence discount of 25 per cent, reducing to a maximum of 5 per cent for a guilty plea entered during the trial. This will prevent undue discounts for late-stage guilty pleas and avoid unnecessary trials that are costly and stressful for victims.
  1085. Amending the principles of sentencing&nbsp;to include requirement to take into account any information provided to the court about victims’ interests, as committed to in both coalition agreements. &nbsp;
  1087. Two aggravating factors are also included.
  1088. These respond to:&nbsp;
  1090. Adults who exploit children and young people by aiding or abetting them to offend;
  1091. Offenders who glorify their criminal activities by livestreaming or posting them online.
  1093. “We are committed to ensuring there are 20,000 fewer victims of violent crime by 2029, alongside a 15 per cent reduction in serious repeat youth offending,” Mr Goldsmith says.
  1094. ]]></description>
  1095.  <pubDate>Wed, 26 Mar 2025 12:40:54 +1300</pubDate>
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  1100.  <title> New fines for fisheries offences come into force</title>
  1101.  <link></link>
  1102.  <description><![CDATA[Fisheries offences will be subject to a broader range of penalties to ensure the punishment fits the crime under regulatory changes that come into effect on April 10, Oceans and Fisheries Minister Shane Jones says.
  1103. “Until now, the only option to deal with some fisheries offences by recreational and commercial fishers has been prosecution, which can take a lot of time and resources and doesn’t always fairly reflect the level of offending.
  1104. “The new infringement offences mean Fishery Officers will be able to issue fines that are more proportionate to the level of offending, removing unnecessary cost and burden on the court system.”
  1105. The new infringement fees range from $200 to $500 depending on the offending.
  1106. “By fitting the punishment to the crime, we can free up the system to better deal with more serious offending. Make no mistake, fishers who break the rules will face the consequences and prosecution remains on the table where appropriate.”
  1107. New infringement offences will also apply for breaches of bylaws made under customary fishing regulations with fees ranging from $250 to $500.
  1108. Other regulatory changes coming into force on April 10 include allowing spearfishing by commercial fishers, and the use of underwater breathing apparatus (UBA) for harvesting scallops.
  1109. “Consumers here and around the world prize New Zealand’s seafood for its high quality and sustainability, so it makes good sense to allow selective methods like spearfishing.”
  1110. Commercial spearfishing will be allowed in most waters around the South Island and lower North Island.
  1111. “While most areas are currently closed to scallop fishing, including all of the commercially fished scallop beds, the provision of UBA for commercial scallop-gathering provides a more selective harvesting method if the fishery is reopened in the future. This is about future-proofing the rules with sustainability at the core,” Mr Jones says.
  1112. Summary of the changes to offences and penalties:
  1113. New infringement offences
  1115. A fee of $400 for most breaches of recordkeeping requirements (under the Fisheries (Recordkeeping) Regulations 1990).
  1116. A fee of $200 for failing to respond to notifications (issued pursuant to regulation 44 of the Fisheries (Reporting) Regulations 2017). This is when Fisheries New Zealand asks a fisher to confirm or correct information that has been provided for the purpose of ensuring quality and accuracy of data received from commercial fishers.
  1117. Two infringements for failure to use or apply seabird mitigation: a fee of $500 for offences relating to failure to use or apply a seabird mitigation measure, and a fee of $250 for breaches of technical specifications.
  1118. Breaches of bylaws that are made under three sets of customary fishing regulations will become infringement offences. Two different fees will apply:
  1120. $250 for offences that involve taking or possessing more than the daily limit of a species to which a bylaw applies, but not more than two times that daily limit; and
  1121. $500 for all other offences.
  1124. Specific offence and penalty provisions for failure to comply with conditions on a fish receiver’s licence with a fine not exceeding $20,000.
  1125. An offence provision for failure to comply with administrative requirements (under Regulation 7(4) of the Fisheries (South-East Area Commercial Fishing) Regulations 1986). This regulation sets out tagging requirements for commercially caught rock lobster in the Otago fishery and sets a new offence provision of a fine not exceeding $20,000 for failure to meet tagging and labelling requirements.
  1127. Other changes
  1128. Further information about the changes can be found on MPI’s website.
  1129. ]]></description>
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  1135.  <title>Cross-party involvement on resource management reform </title>
  1136.  <link></link>
  1137.  <description><![CDATA[The Government has today written to the Labour and Greens parties, inviting their involvement in the process to replace the Resource Management Act with a far more liberal planning system, say Minister Responsible for RMA Reform Chris Bishop and Under-Secretary Simon Court.
  1138. “Everyone agrees that the RMA is broken and in desperate need of replacement. It fails to deliver the infrastructure and development New Zealanders need, while at the same time fails to properly protect the environment,” Mr Bishop says.
  1139. “All three parties in Government campaigned on replacing the Resource Management Act with a new planning system that was much more enabling of development. We have a democratic mandate to carry out these reforms, and have made good progress so far.
  1140. “The benefits of the new planning system announced yesterday cannot be overstated.
  1141. “The starting point of enduring reform is good public policy, and the Expert Advisory Group’s report, endorsed by Cabinet, is a very good start that provides the basis for high quality new laws.
  1142. “As I indicated yesterday, I have today written to the major Opposition parties – Labour and the Greens – inviting cross-party engagement in the development of our new planning system.
  1143. “As a first step to seeing if we can work together, I have offered to provide them with a substantive briefing from officials at the Ministry for the Environment as well as Janette Campbell, the Chair of the Expert Advisory Group. This will be an opportunity to discuss the report together and answer any questions.
  1144. “Following this there will be an opportunity for discussion between parties on potential areas of mutual agreement.
  1145. “Where we see that compromise could be possible without undermining the intent of our reforms, the government will work collaboratively with the opposition to see whether a mutually agreeable position can be reached.
  1146. “The government will not be compromising on the commitments outlined in the Government’s coalition agreements and election manifestos. However, a significant amount of detail goes into reform this size, and I hope that it is in some of this detail that we can find common ground.”
  1147. ]]></description>
  1148.  <pubDate>Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:54:31 +1300</pubDate>
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